Baby Fever

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"I'm engaged!!" Madelaine cheers out for the thousandth time "We know, we've known for two months!!" Chloe whines "Shh let her be happy" Trinity says to her girlfriend "I'm changing my pronouns again" Oliver announces "This is the third time this fucking month" Chloe says "Yea well it's changing back to he/him" he says "First it was they/them then it was they/him now it's back to he/him" Trinity says "Yup. Thanks for understanding" he nods "Look" Vanessa says showing everyone her phone "Why are you showing us a picture of a baby?" Trinity asks "Isn't she so cute" She says "Looks like someone has baby fever" Chloe winks at her sister "We're not having a baby" Madelaine tells her, Vanessa looks at her sadly "Oh come on!! I want to be an aunt!!" Chloe whines "One day but right now we're not" Madelaine says "But baby" Vanessa says like a child "No baby" she kisses Vanessa's lips "But I love you" she smiles "I love you too" The smaller girl pouts. "Don't be like that" Trinity says "Yea. Give the girl a baby" Oliver adds "Who's body is it?" Madelaine reminds them "Yours" They all mumble "Then shut the fuck up" she says. She goes to sit beside Vanessa but she puts her feet up on the couch "Are you serious?" Mads asks "We're not having a baby right now and if you don't move your feet we will never have a baby" She threatens, Vanessa quickly moves her feet.

"So I was thinking for a boy it could be Matthew or for a girl Maddie" Camila says to Madelaine "Oh god. They have you on this baby thing too" She sighs "Ooo we're talking babies?" Lili chimes in "No. I'm not having a baby. I'm only 24, I don't need another baby right now" she tells them "Whos the other baby?" Lili asks "Vanessa, my sister, Trinity and Oliver" she says "I totally forgot about them" Camila says "Yea. We still have Chloe and Oliver to take care of right now...So can we drop the baby talk and get to planning my wedding" she asks "Of course" Lili smiles softly "But-" Lili cuts off Camila from talking "Shut the hell up" she tells the girl.

"So what color theme do you want?" Lili asks "Uhhh I don't know. Vanessa is a very extra person and I'm not so whatever she would like" Madelaine shrugs "True" Camila nods in agreement "Okay...We should just be planning this with Vanessa shouldn't we?" Lili asks "Yea probably" Mads laughs "Nessa come here" Madelaine calls up the steps. Vanessa runs down the stairs with Olive in her arms "Yes baby?" She asks wrapping her free arm around her fiancée "Can you help them plan the wedding. Go with whatever you want" she tells her "You sure?" Vanessa asks "Yea of course babe. Give me Olive and you help them" Mads says taking her dog then getting up so Nessa can sit. Vanessa sits down where Madelaine was sitting and helps the two women plan the wedding.

"You okay?" Chloe asks Madelaine "How'd you know I was here?" Madelaine asks "I know my sister. Now what's wrong" the smaller red head asks "All this stuff is moving so fast..." Madelaine sighs "Are you regretting saying yes to Vanessa?" Chloe asks "No of course's just the whole baby thing and the wedding is soon and it's all just coming really fast" she sighs "I know you're stressed...I know it's hard. I also know that the baby talk is stressing you out more then it should be so what's up with that?" She asks "I hate how you can read me like that" Mads chuckles "I don't know why it's stressing me out honestly. I guess it's because I know it will one day happen and I don't want to be old" she says truthfully "Oh Mads...You're already old" Chloe tells her "You're so annoying" Mads smiles "But I made you smile" Chloe smirks "I love your weird ass" she hugs her little sister "I love you your weirder ass" Chloe giggles.

"I'm sorry baby" Vanessa says "Ugh Nessa what did you do?" Madelaine sighs "Nothing...I mean I'm sorry for pressuring this whole baby thing" she says "It's fine" she shrugs "No it's not. I shouldn't be talking about it this much when I know we're both not fully ready for the responsibility" Vanessa says "Thank you" Mads kisses her lips "Nessa" Mads says "Yes?" She asks "One day...okay? One day we'll have beautiful little children running around here with Oliver and Chloe but right now we still have Oliver and Chloe to take care of" She says "If they're the only thing holding this up then we can kick them out or something" Vanessa says seriously "No babe. We're not kicking out our siblings" Mads laughs at her fiancée's desperation. "Look you still have Ollie" she picks up their dog "Still can't believe you let Chloe name the dog after my brother" Vanessa laughs petting the small dog's head "I did tell her she could pick the name so I guess that was my fault" she laughs.

"What is this?" Madelaine asks the men coming into her house "We got bored" KJ says laying on the couch "Weren't you camping or something?" Trinity asks "Yea" Cole says "Then why are you here?" Chloe asks "Didn't you hear the we got bored part?" Connor says "There are way too many of you" Vanessa laughs "It's only. One...Two..Three...Six of us" Charles shrugs "Six too many" Lili complains moving KJ's legs so she can sit "There are twelve people in this house and three dogs....This is going to go horribly wrong" Oliver sighs "Four dogs" Chloe corrects him "It's three" he says confused on where she got the fourth dog "You're forgetting to count your self" she smirks "Fuck you" Oliver flicks her off, she does the same "Remember when Madelaine wouldn't let them do that" Casey laughs "They're old now they can take care of them selfs" She says siting on Vanessa's lap.


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