Wedding Arrangements

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"Orange" Vanessa blurts out "Orange?" Camila asks "You want an orange wedding?" Lili asks looking at the color in her hand "Not like full orange but bridesmaids and that type of stuff wear orange" She says "Also I want it in a forest-y area" she adds "Okay...forest area and orange" Lili mumbles as she writes it down. Madelaine comes down the steps then wraps her arms around Vanessa "Have you picked anything yet?" Madelaine asks "She picked orange" Camila says staring at the color she picked "Orange? Whatever you want baby" Mads kisses her forehead "Babe you have to have some kind of say in this" Vanessa tells her "I trust you baby. I know you'll choose things we both like" she says "I want you to be apart of this" The smaller girl tells her "Okay, I'll help some" Mads sighs "Thanks beautiful" Vanessa smiles.
"So orange?" Vanessa asks "That's fine" Mad shrugs "You can't just keep saying that's fine to everything" Lili says "I'm not" She says "You have said that to everything we've asked" Camila sighs "Okay. Orange is fine. I like the location idea. I would like Camila, Lili, and Chloe to be my bridesmaids" Madelaine says "Wait actually?" Lili smiles "Yea" she shrugs "I want mine to be Trinity, Oliver, Connor, and Drew" Vanessa says "Do they know that?" Lili asks "No...Trinity want to be my bridesmaid!!?" She yells "Yea" Trinity yells back "She's fine with it" Vanessa says "Oliver?" Camila reminds her "He has no choice" she says "Not fair" Oliver says coming down the stairs "I should get a choice" he says "Well you don't" Vanessa tells him "Baby just ask him" Mads laughs at the two siblings "Fine. Oliver do you want to be my bride-human?" She asks "I mean I guess so" he says trying to act cool "Oh shut up" Vanessa punches his arm playfully.
Chloe and Trinity run downstairs "Give it!!" Chloe yells at Trinity "It's mine" Trinity yells back "What are you two doing?" Madelaine asks "Be careful" Lili warns the running girls "She took my fucking bra" Chloe complains "It's fucking mine" Trinity says "Ahhh lesbians" Oliver laughs "Shut up" Madelaine, Vanessa, Chloe and Trinity all say "Look at the size"Camila suggests. Trinity looks at the tag on the bra "We wear the same size" Chloe sighs "Since you both have one that is that color. Look for the second one and then the problem is solved" Oliver shrugs like it's the most simple thing in the word "You can solve that but not your fucking pronouns?" Chloe laughs "Oh thats fucked up" Vanessa laughs "But your laughing" Oliver looks at his sister, Everyone is chuckling "It's not funny" Madelaine hits Vanessa's arm "You were laughing" Vanessa says "Shut up" She smiles at Oliver "Go find the bra" Madelaine tells her sister "And your pronouns are valid no matter how many times you change them" She tells him rubbing his back "Thanks Madelaine" He emphasises her name "You know I love you so shut up" Vanessa tells her sibling "Do I though?" He asks "Don't do that" She pushes him. "We're going upstairs" Vanessa pulls Mads out her chair "Wedding plans" Lili reminds her "Fuck!!" She whines sitting back down "Okay come on. Let's get this over with" she says taking some of Lili's papers on the table "Don't mess up the order" Camila tells her "I won't" Vanessa says obviously messing up the order of the papers. "We just fucking organised that" Lili complains "It's my wedding" Vanessa tells her "And they're my papers" Lili snatches the papers back from her, she starts sorting them out again.
"I'm going to walk the dog" Madelaine says bored of all the wedding arrangements, Vanessa gives her a weird look "I'm coming too" she says putting on shoes "Seriously!?" Camila complains "Just pick some stuff and we'll go over it when we get back" Vanessa shrugs. She puts Olive on the leash.

"What's wrong?" Vanessa asks as they walk "What do you mean?" Mads asks "You seem to not care about the wedding. You're always on your phone when we talk...Are you regretting getting engaged?" Vanessa asks, Madelaine goes silent. Vanessa takes that as an answer "What are we going to do then? If you don't want to get married that's fine" She sighs "No baby. I want to get married to you. I really do. It's just all happening so fast, I just need time to catch up a little" Madelaine tells her "You sure that's it?" Vanessa asks "Promise" she holds Vanessa's waist with her free hand "I love you and can't wait to call you my wife" She smiles, Vanessa smiles back "I love you too" She says. They start walking again, Vanessa wraps her arm around her waist, putting her hand in Mad's pocket.

"Can we get another dog?" Chloe asks "No" Madelaine says "First Nessa said no then you say no" Chloe pouts "You can get a dog when you move out" Madelaine tells her "I'm never moving out" the younger redhead says "You're not living with us forever" Vanessa joins the conversation "Yea. Trinity and I will stay here. Free food, free house. Why would we leave?" She shrugs "Oh god, what did we create" Madelaine says "We? That's your sister" Vanessa laughs. "But seriously when are you moving out?" Mads asks her sister "Never" she says running up the steps "When you move out we'll have a baby!!!" Madelaine tells her sister "I'm leaving tonight" Chloe says. Vanessa and Madelaine laugh at the small redhead.


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