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(Chloe is 21, Oliver is 22, Trinity is 21, Emme and Fay are 3)

Emme follows Chloe to the kitchen "Emme" Chloe says "Yeth" Emme asks "Hungry?" She asks "Yeth" Emme says lifting her arms up so Chloe picks her up and sets her in her chair "Where's your sister?" She asks "Wit Oli" She tells Chloe "Oliver" She calls out "Shh mommy's sleep" Emme reminds her "Sorry" She whispers. She giving Emme's forehead a kiss then goes upstairs quietly.
"What are you two doing?" Chloe asks going into the twins room "She won't put on the shirt" Oliver whines "Fay put the shirt on so you can eat" Chloe tells her "No" Fay says shaking her head "What's wrong with the shirt?" Chloe asks "I don't want shirt" Fay crosses her arms "Want a different shirt?" Chloe asks "No. No shirt" She says "You have to wear a shirt Fay" She tells her "No!!" Fay starts whining and kicking "She's going to wake up Madelaine and Vanessa" Oliver says "Well she has to put a shirt on" Chloe sighs "What is going on?" Madelaine asks half asleep "She won't put on the shirt" Oliver tells her "Fay" Madelaine looks at her daughter "Put the shirt on" She tells her. Fay looks at the shirt then back at her mom then back to the shirt. She skips to Oliver and happily takes the shirt "Seriously!?" Oliver says "I've been trying to get her to wear this shirt for more then ten minutes" He whines "Well she has it on so let's go" Madelaine holds Fay's hand as they go down the stairs.
"What would you all like for breakfast?" Madelaine asks "Pancakes" Fay says "No Waffles" Emme disagrees "They're the same thing" Chloe tells them "No!!" Both girls say at the same time "I'll make pancakes and waffles" Madelaine shrugs since they are the same thing. "I'd like Pancakes" Chloe says "And waffles for me" Oliver adds. Madelaine looks at the two young adults "You're old enough to make your own so go get the ingredients" Madelaine smirks "Mads" Chloe says "Go" Madelaine tells them. They get the ingredients out the pantry "You can make your own and I'll make the twins" She tells them both "Bull" Oliver whines "Pull?" Emme tried to repeat "Don't repeat that" Madelaine tells them, she gives Oliver a death glare "Why?" Fay asks "Its a bad word" Chloe tells them "Oli said bad word?" Emme says shocked "Why?" Fay asks again "You with the questions" Chloe lifts up Fay and starts tickling her, Fay starts laughing uncontrollably.
"That's the sound I like to hear in the morning" Vanessa says coming down the steps smiling "Morning momma" Emme says "Morning Em" Vanessa gives her a forehead kiss "How'd you sleep?" Vanessa asks "Good. I had bad dweam but Fay help me" Emme smiles "Glad to hear it" She gives her another kiss then wraps her arms around Madelaine "Good morning" Vanessa says putting her face in her wife's neck "Good morning baby" Madelaine smiles "Waffles?" Vanessa asks "And pancakes" Madelaine adds "Want help?" She asks "Nope. But you're cute and I love you" Madelaine tells her "I love you too Babygirl" Vanessa kisses her lips. "I didn't get a good morning" Oliver says "Good morning Oliver" Vanessa wraps her arms around his shoulders "I don't want it anymore" He crosses his arms "Oh shut up" Vanessa playfully pushes his head "Momma no hitting!!" Fay tells Vanessa "Yes ma'am" Vanessa chuckles "Good morning Chloe" Vanessa says "Morning Nessa" Chloe replies putting Fay back in her chair "Good morning Fay" Vanessa kisses her forehead "Morning momma. We're getting pancakes and waffles" Fay tells Vanessa "I heard" Vanessa says "Emme wanted waffles" Fay tells her "Figured" Vanessa says looking between the two twins "Your hair is wild" Vanessa laughs "Fix" Emme says. Vanessa puts their hair in a ponytail to keep it out their face as they eat.

"Mommy can you do my hair?" Emme asks "What do you want done to it?" Madelaine asks "Same thing as my sister" She says "You both have ponytails in" Madelaine reminds her. Emme runs to Fay "Bwaids" Emme and Fay say at the same time "Braids it is" Madelaine says. She sits on the couch and Emme sits in front of her "Momma!!! Hair!!" Fay calls for Vanessa "Yea Yea I'm coming" Vanessa lifts Fay up and spins her around, she sets her down in front of her so she can do her hair.
Vanessa and Madelaine put their daughter's hair in two tight braids so they won't fall out while they play. "Okay done" Madelaine says "Tank you mommy" Emme says. She sits beside Fay until Vanessa is done with Fay's hair.
"Now you can play" Vanessa tells Fay "Tanks momma" Fay smiles brightly then runs to play with her twin. Vanessa and Madelaine smile at each other "Those are our babies" Vanessa says "That they are" Madelaine giggles. She cuddles with her wife on the couch as they watch their daughters play.

Chloe and Oliver come down the stairs and start playing with the twins.
They got tired so they sat beside Vanessa and Madelaine "Why'd we come down here again?" Oliver asks "Uhhh" Chloe couldn't remember either "Oh yea. We found an apartment for us to move into" Chloe says remembering. "Where?" Madelaine asks "It's about a 45 minute drive from here but Oliver and I will both live there together" Chloe tells her sister "Can we see?" Vanessa asks. Oliver runs to get the computer then comes back and shows them the apartment "And who's paying for this?" Vanessa asks "Us" Oliver shrugs "With what money?" Madelaine laughs "We have jobs remember" Chloe says offended. "The way you two spend money. I would think it was all gone by now" Vanessa jokes "Well it's not" Oliver crosses their arms. "I'm taking Olive too" Chloe says picking up the small dog "No you're not" Madelaine says taking her dog back "But he's mine" Chloe complains "No he's not" Madelaine says "Tell her Vanessa" Madelaine bumps her wife for help "I'm not in this" Vanessa says "Oliver" Chloe says "Me either" They say putting their hands up. "Olive is staying with me" Madelaine tells her sister "But he's mine. I named him" Chloe whines "And I paid for him so shut up" Madelaine tells her "He stays here. End of discussion" She says strictly. They all look at her weirdy "What?" Madelaine asks "The mom in you just came out" Oliver says "Oli" Fay says grabbing onto his leg "What?" He asks looking down at her "I no want you to go" She says "Me eiwer" Emme says grabbing Chloe's leg "We can take you two and they can keep Olive" Oliver says picking Fay up "Yay!!!" The twins cheer "That's definitely not happening" Vanessa tells them "We want to stay with Oli and Chlo" Emme says "Still not happening" Madelaine tells the twins. She picks them both up and sits them on her lap "We would miss you too much" She tells them kissing their foreheads "Fine" Emme sighs "I guess we stay" Fay sighs. They all laugh at the adorable twins "Go pack. I want you two out my house as soon as possible" Madelaine tells them "Rude" Oliver scoffs but goes up stairs with Chloe.


@Madelame: Our babies are growing up so fast😢                         Comments:@VanessaMorgan: Yes they are😭Fanaccount102: They're so cute🥰Commenterwhocomments: For the slow people

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@Madelame: Our babies are growing up so fast😢                        
@VanessaMorgan: Yes they are😭
Fanaccount102: They're so cute🥰
Commenterwhocomments: For the slow people. Fay is on the right and Emme is on the left
Fanaccount2254: They're matching pj's are adorable


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