The Big Day

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"What the hell is that?" Oliver asks "The flowers your sister wanted" Lili says showing him the flowers "She wanted plain white flowers?" He asks "Thats what she said" Lili tells him "Whatever she wants" He shrugs.
"You look fucking hot" Trinity slides her hand onto Chloe's waist "Thanks babe. You don't look too bad yourself" She fixes her girlfriends tie "If we didn't have a wedding to go to I would-" Someone clears their throat causing Trinity to stop talking "First off gross. Second your sister needs you" Camila says then leaves. "Be back" Chloe kisses Trinity's lips then follows Camila.

"Does this look fine?" Madelaine asks for the millionth time "You look amazing" Lili tells her "You sure. You don't think it's too much" She says looking at her self in the mirror "Or maybe too little" she says "You look fine Mads" Chloe tells her sister "Sit" she pulls her to the closest chair "Could you cover the mirrors" She asks. Camila and Lili cover all the mirrors in the room. "What's wrong with the dress?" Chloe asks "It might be too much" she sighs "It's not and even if it was it's your wedding. You can do and wear whatever the fuck you want" Chloe reminds her "Vanessa is going to love it. I love it. They love it. Everyone loves it" Chloe reassures her "You'll definitely be getting laid tonight" She says. Madelaine smiles "Thanks Chlo" she says "So stop stressing" Chloe tells her "Okay" She takes a deep breath "I'm fine now" she says "Thank god. I thought you were going to call off the wedding" Camila says "She's not the crazy" Lili laughs.

"You look great" Vanessa tells Oliver "You sure?" He says stressing about his suit "Yes you look great" She says straightening up his tie "Isn't she supposed to be the one worried about how she looks?" Connor asks "I'm just as important in this" Oliver tells him "You're just giving her a ring" Drew says "Oliver" Cole says "Yes?" He responds "I haven't seen the ring in a while....Where is it?" Cole asks. Oliver starts patting all his pockets "Uhhh" he keeps looking "Oliver!!" Vanessa whines "You had one job. You had one ring" She says "Maybe Chloe has them both" He says "No she only has the one. I just texted her" Trinity says "I'll help you look. You stay calm" She tells Vanessa. Trinity and Oliver try to retrace all his steps in order to find the missing ring.

"How'd you lose the fucking ring" Chloe whisper yells at Oliver "I swear it was in my pocket" He sighs "Can't trust you with anything" She says as she helps look.
They look everywhere and can't find it.
"What are y'all doing?" KJ asks "This idiot lost the ring" Chloe tells him "I have it" KJ says pulling the ring box out his pocket "Why?" Trinity asks "Oliver told me to hold it as he went to the bathroom" He tells them "You had us looking fucking everywhere. I need to go help my sister" Chloe pushes the taller boy then goes back to her sister.

"You may kiss the bride" Chloe mocks. She starts rubbing her back and making kissing noises "Could you not be a child right now" Madelaine laughs "Where is Vanessa...She has to see you before the wedding" Lili asks looking at the time.
"Sorry we're late!!" Vanessa and the boys run to the girls. Madelaine and Vanessa are facing the opposites at of each other "Where were you?" Camila asks "Let's just say Oliver is nervous for today" Connor pats the boy's back "Did you get sick?" Chloe asks him, he nods "What the hell is wrong with you" she laughs at him. "The wedding is about to start" Lili remind everyone "Oh Yea turn around" Oliver tells them.
Madelaine and Vanessa both spin around, now facing each other. "Damn" Vanessa says looking her soon to be wife up and down "You look stunning" Madelaine tells Vanessa. "This is real. This is actually about to happen" She smiles. Vanessa's eyes start watering, silent tears of happiness come streaming down her face. "Awww baby" Madelaine hugs Vanessa, she kisses her cheek "I love you" Vanessa says "I love you too" Madelaine smiles.

"Ready?" Chloe asks Madelaine "Yea" She smiles, Camila hands her some flowers to hold as she walks down the isle. The piano starts playing the wedding music.
Two women open the big double doors for the bridesmaids. Camila, Chloe, Oliver, Trinity, Lili, Connor, and Drew walk out the doors together. They stand in their respective spots.
Madelaine then comes out the double doors causing everyone to stand. She slowly walks down the long isle. Vanessa and Madelaine smile brightly at each other.
Casey and Cole help her up the small steps so she doesn't slip on her dress.

"The rings please" Oliver and Chloe hand their sister's the rings.
The two women slip the ring on each other's fingers.
"Do you Vanessa Morgan Mziray take Madelaine Grobbelaar Petsch to be your wife?" Vanessa smiles "I do" she says "Do you Madelaine Grobbelaar Petsch take Vanessa Morgan Mziray to be your wife?" Madelaine nods "I do" she says "For the power invested in me. I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss the bride" Vanessa leans in for a slow kiss. The two savour the moment together. All their friends and family cheer for them. They break the sweet, passionate kiss. "I love you" Madelaine whispers "I love you too" Vanessa whispers back.

"Time to party!!!" Chloe says walking out into the after party with Madelaine who has changed dresses. Vanessa holds Madelaine's waist and they sway their hips to the beat of the song. Vanessa pulls them close together so they're touching "You look beautiful" Vanessa whispers "You've said that like ten times" Madelaine laughs "Have to tell my wife the truth right?" She bites her lip and looks her wife up and down.
"She's going to get-" Chloe starts "Laid" Oliver, Chloe and Trinity say together then start laughing. Camila and Lili playfully push them "Stop it" Lili laughs. "Come dance" Oliver says pulling Chloe "Nope. She's mine tonight" Trinity says taking Chloe from Oliver "May I have this dance" Trinity asks "You may" Chloe smiles.
Oliver sits back down now bored and pouting "Hi" A boy comes up to him "Hey" Oliver responds as nicely as possible "You're Vanessa's sibling right?" The boy asks "Yes....and you are?" Oliver asks "Oh, I'm Lincoln" he says "Oliver" the two boys shake hands "Want to uh dance or something?" Lincoln asks kind of shyly "Uhh" Oliver thinks about the question. Lili shakes her head at the boy "He wants to dance with you" Lili whispers to Oliver "I know but I'm upset at Trinity and Chloe" He reminds her "He wants to actually dance with you. Like actually dance" Camila whispers emphasising the word dance, Oliver looks confused "Oooh" he says just now getting it "Let's go dance" He tells Lincoln, they go to the dance floor and dance like no one is watching.

Chloe and Trinity run to Camila and Lili "Who's that?" Chloe asks "Oliver?" Camila asks looking at who they're pointing to "No the other person" Trinity says "That's Lincoln" Lili shrugs "Okay...Who is he? How do you guys know him before us? Why are they dancing like that together? I have questions" Chloe says "We see you have a lot of questions" Lili chuckles "Some guy who just asked him to dance so that's what they're doing...Don't go and bother them. They seem like they're having fun" Camila tells the girls "We're not" Trinity says dismissing everything the woman just said "I'm serious, he's happy right now. Keep it that way" she tells them.
"Who's my sibling dancing with?" Vanessa asks coming up to the table "Some boy named Lincoln" Chloe says annoyed "What's wrong with you?" Madelaine asks "Oliver hasn't even looked at us" Chloe pouts "Let him be happy" Madelaine laughs at her little sister "You can come dance with me" She says "No" she says "Oh come on whiny" She rolls her eyes playfully, she lifts up her small sister "Let's go" she takes her to the dance floor. "You too" Vanessa grabs the other three girls.
They playfully start grinding on each other "That ass fat" Camila says to Lili "Shut the fuck up" Lili says playfully pushing her.


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