🎵And I was like, baby, baby🎵

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"Pop goes the weasel" Oliver jokes poking Vanessa's heavily pregnant stomach "They better pop soon cause they're getting heavier" She flops down on the couch and rubs her stomach "You're already a lot to deal with" Vanessa tells her stomach "Don't talk to my children like that" Madelaine tells her wife "Baby they hurt" Vanessa whines "You should have done the pregnancy" She says "Well there is no going back now. You're due in like....2 days" She says rubbing her wife's stomach, she kisses her stomach then Vanessa's lips "I love you my strong, beautiful, soon to be mother" Madelaine smiles "I love you too" Vanessa giggles cutely.

"Madelaine!!!" Vanessa cries out "What" She asks frantically running to the room "I need to go to the hospital" She says breathing hard "Oliver!!! Chloe!!!! Help me get Vanessa in the car" Madelaine yells the two teens come running to help.

They arrive at hospital. The doctors and nurses take her to a delivery room, everyone else follows.

Vanessa is connected to machines and she's calm now since they gave her medicine. "They're fucking kicking hard as fucking hell" She says frustrated "Baby. Calm down" Madelaine sits beside her and comfortably rubs her head. "So should I have Drew or someone build the other crib while we're gone?" Oliver whispers to Chloe, she nods "Yea probably" She answers.

After a few hours Vanessa has their two beautiful baby girls. "Aww they're redheads" Camila says holding one of the babies "What are you naming them?" Cole asks. Vanessa and Madelaine look at each other "Emme" Madelaine says "and Fay" Vanessa smiles. "You didn't tell us you were having twins" KJ says "Wanted it to be a surprise" Madelaine tells him.

They take Emma and Fay home and set the two baby redheads in their cribs. "Look at our little nieces" Chloe says recording the babies and Oliver "The red hair and brown skin is immaculate" Oliver laughs "Don't wake our babies" Madelaine whisper yells at the two teens "They're mine" Chloe tells her sister.


@ChloePetsch: My babies are so cute🥺 @Oliver @Madelame @VanessaMorgan

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@ChloePetsch: My babies are so cute🥺 @Oliver @Madelame @VanessaMorgan

Oliver: Our*
Madelame: They're my children no matter what you say😂
VanessaMorgan: But who gave birth to them?🤦🏽‍♀️
LiliReinhart: My little nieces🥰
User1289: CHONI'S BABIES!!!
Fanaccount: So cute🥺

Note: I'm open to suggestions for baby names. Fay and Emme are kinda just fillers but they can be the permit names for the babies.


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