After Math

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"Are you seriously going to do that?" Madelaine asks "Yea. You can come too" Vanessa tells her "Definitely not" She says "It'll be fun Mads" Trinity says "I'm jumping off a plane" She tells them "I'm doing it" Chloe shrugs "Well you're a psycho" The redhead tells her younger sister "It won't last long. It's like a few seconds in the air then you're on the ground" Camila tells her "Are you doing it?" Mads asks "Hell no. What do I look like?" She says "Exactly. I'll stay on the ground and watch you" She tells them "Fine" Chloe sighs "Where's my fucking sibling" Vanessa asks "He went somewhere with Lincoln yesterday" Lili says "And he never came back?" She asks "Yea. He texted us to tell us he was coming back this morning or something" Trinity tells her "Okay" She says.

"Want to look at baby names?" Madelaine asks her wife "What?" Vanessa says becoming happy "We're married now....We're not getting any younger" She sighs sitting on the bed beside Vanessa "You seriously want to have a kid?" She asks "Not at this exact moment but very soon" Mads tells her "Let's look at names then" Vanessa smiles brightly. They open their MacBooks and start looking at names.

"I'm back" Oliver says coming into the house "Finally. What happened?" Chloe rushes to the door "Nothing happened" He shrugs "Don't play fucking dumb" Chloe tells him "You two definitely fucked" Trinity laughs, Oliver rolls his eyes "You are so childish" He says "Bitch!! Childish? You're fucking childish" Trinity says "You have sex once and don't know how to act" Chloe laughs at her best friend, he shrugs "Tell us. We know you want to" Trinity says "It was great" Oliver squeals "That's my boy!!" Chloe cheers him on "Oh actually, I'm going by he/them again" He informs them "Oh my god!!!" Chloe complains. She flops on the couch "Stop changing shit" She whines "Thanks for respecting my pronouns" They smiles "You're welcome fucker" She rolls her eyes.
"Guess who changed their mother fucking pronouns again" Chloe says "Oliver?" Madelaine laughs "Yes" she sighs "What are they?" Vanessa asks "Back to he/them" He tells the girls "Okay" Vanessa shrugs "Why'd you call us up here?" Trinity asks "Oh yea" Madelaine grabs her computer "Look at the names on the list and tell us which ones you like better" Vanessa tells them "Names?" Trinity asks "For what?" Oliver asks "" Madelaine tells them. They all look at them "Wait seriously?" Chloe asks "Yea" Madelaine nods "What gender?" Trinity asks "Well we want to do the bone marrow thing. We have to research it more but if we do do that then a girl" Vanessa tells them "I'm going to have a niece!!" Chloe cheers "My niece" Oliver corrects her "You two are not going to fight over our baby" Madelaine tells them "Our baby...I like the sound of that" Vanessa smirks "Good cause when she needs changing that's all you" Madelaine kisses her lips "Why me?" Vanessa asks "Who's carrying it?" She asks "Me" the small woman challenges "Okay then I'll change her and you'll carry her for 9 months" She smiles "Fine with me" Vanessa says "You're going to let that small human hold another small human in her small stomach?" Oliver laughs "Shut up. I can carry a baby for 9 months" She tells him "I would love to see that" He challenges.

"I'm having a niece!! I'm having a niece!!" Chloe cheers "Babe. She's not here yet" Trinity reminds her "Shhh" She puts her finger to Trinity's lips "Don't ruin this" She tells her.

"So you are totally serious about this baby thing?" Vanessa asks "You said your carrying her right?" Madelaine asks, Vanessa nods "Then yes. One hundred percent" She kisses her wife "And if you're carrying her?" Vanessa asks "Then I'm seventy five percent sure" She say making her wife chuckle.
"So this is what we're going to do?" Madelaine asks "Yes" Vanessa confirms "Okay. We have an appointment tomorrow" Madelaines tells her "Good night baby girl" Madelaine whispers "Night beautiful" Vanessa kisses her wife's head.

Madelaine and Vanessa go to their appointment. They take a long time to come back to their house. Their siblings are waiting on them to return.

Vanessa and Madelaine walk back in with frowns on their faces "What's wrong?" Oliver asks "We can't have the baby" Vanessa tells them "What? Why?" Chloe asks "I....I don't know" She laughs, Madelaine hits her "I couldn't make up an excuse" She tells her "I thought you two were really sad" Chloe says "We act for a living" Madelaine reminds her "But Mr. Baby boy should be here next year" She tells them "Yes!!" They cheer "When are you going to be pregnant?" Oliver asks "Uhhh next month is when it starts" Vanessa tells them "Ima be aunty!!!" Chloe cheers "And Ima be a...." Oliver stops to think "What would he call me? I don't like uncle" He says "We'll think of it before he arrives" Vanessa pats her sibling's back "Good. I don't want to be the weird one without a name" He says "You're already the weird one with a thousand different pronouns" Chloe teases "And who respects those pronouns?" He asks "No matter how much you annoy me. I will always respect your identity" She tells him "That's my sister" Madelaine smiles "And that's my....Oh my god you're my brother-in-law!!!" Chloe screams "Ahhhh!!!" The two teens (almost young adults) squeal "You're just now figuring this out?" Vanessa asks "Yes" They both say "I need to tell Trinity" Chloe runs up the steps "I think she already knows" Madelaine calls after her sister but Chloe already shut her bedroom door.

"Yes?" Trinity asks answering the phone "Oliver is my brother-in-law" Chloe squeals "I know" Trinity says confused "And you didn't tell me?" She asks "Well I thought you knew baby" Trinity shrugs "I know now" She says proud of herself "Good job beautiful" Trinity yawns "Why are you so tired?" Chloe asks her girlfriend "Just was up all night" Trinity tells her "Well get some rest okay?" Trinity nods then they hang up the phone.


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