Ignore Me

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"Are you still coming?" Vanessa asks Chloe "Yea. Fuck Trinity. She not going to stop me from living my life" Chloe shrugs "Thats my girl" Vanessa smiles "I love how you're so good with her" Madelaine whispers to Vanessa, Vanessa smiles then kisses her wife "Always" she says against her lips.

"Before we see her. You. Oliver look at me" Vanessa says, they look at her "Ignore her. Don't speak to her and if you do don't be rude. Got it?" She asks "Yea" he rolls his eyes "Let's go then" Madelaine says getting out the car.
They walk to the trailers.
Chloe and Oliver are playing with the dog while Vanessa and Madelaine get ready for their first scene. Someone knocks on the door "Come in" Madelaine says "Hi" Trinity says shyly rubbing her arm "What the fuck do you want" Oliver asks "Get out" They add "Be nice" Vanessa reminds him. "Can we please just talk?" Trinity asks Chloe "You have two minutes" Chloe walks out the trailer door.

"I'm so sorry" Trinity says "I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't even mean to do that" She tells her "How many times has this happened?" Chloe asks "Just that once" Trinity tells her "Why were you hiding your phone before?" She asks "I don't know" Trinity says "I don't want to hear that. There is always a reason....Go do your scenes or whatever. Just ignore me, like I'm not here" Chloe tells Trinity. She goes back in the trailer and locks the door.
"So?" Madelaine asks "So what? I'm not getting back with her" Chloe tells her sister "Okay just making sure" Madelaine says.

"So this is the scene where Cheryl is mad at Jelly bean for touching her stuff" Roberto tells them "Not a problem" Madelaine says. "And....Action!!"
"What are you doing in here?" Cheryl asks "I was just-" Cheryl snatches her things from Jelly bean "Get out you tiny jugrat" Cheryl yells at her. Jelly bean runs out the room.
"And cut. Good job girls" Roberto tells them.

Camila, Lili and Chloe are laughing together at their lunch table "You're serious? Oliver boned the boy after a few days of meeting" Camila laughs "Yup. They stayed together for a little bit" Chloe laughs, Trinity walks by the table, she makes eye contact with Chloe then goes to sit by herself. "She looks so lonely" Lili says "She wasn't lonely when she was fucking another girl" Chloe says, Lili looks behind her at Trinity "Don't look at her" Chloe tells her "Come on Chlo. She's all by herself in a room full of people. It's sad" Lili says "If you want to go sit with her then go sit with her" Chloe shrugs "You're coming too" Camila says grabbing Chloe's wrist "What? No I'm not" Chloe says trying to get out of the woman's grip "You have to" Lili says "Why" she asks "Because we said so" Camila tells her. They drag Chloe and they sit in front of Trinity.
"For the record I don't want to sit here" Chloe says "I know" Trinity sighs "So how are you" Lili asks the girl "I could be better" Trinity tells her "You could of just not cheated too" Chloe mumbles, Camila nudges her "So uh..." Trinity cuts Camila off "You don't have to sit here with me just because I'm alone. Chloe obviously doesn't want to sit with me and I don't blame her" Trinity tells them "Why are you sitting here?" Oliver asks Chloe coming to the table "I've been forced" She tells them "Don't force her to talk to this thing" Oliver says "Hey don't call people names" Lili tells him "She's a cheater and a fucking asshole" Oliver says a little loud causing some people to look. Vanessa and Madelaine come up to the table "Go with Mads. You're causing a scene" Vanessa tells them both "Thank god" Chloe says getting up and following her sister "You two leave too" Vanessa tells Camila and Lili, the two women get up and leave.

Vanessa sits down "Are you okay?" She asks "No" Trinity sighs "I really didn't mean to. We were both drunk and high and it just happened" She says "Why are you smoking and drinking?" Vanessa asks "What's wrong?" She asks "Nothing" Trinity lies "Tell me the truth" Vanessa tells her "My dad is sick...Sure he's not really in my life but he's still my dad" Trinity tells Vanessa "Why didn't you tell us?" She asks "I didn't want to bother anyone" Trinity says "You're not a bother" Vanessa tells her "How many times did you really cheat?" Vanessa asks "Once" Trinity says "Now the real number of times" Vanessa says not buying her lies "A few times....I love her. I really do but we just were drifting and I couldn't deal with it" Trinity tells Vanessa "Tell her that" Vanessa tells the girl "She won't talk to me" Trinity reminds her "I'll get her to just don't leave before you talk to her" Vanessa tells her.

"Let Trinity talk okay?" Vanessa tells Chloe "No" Chloe says "Outside" Vanessa tells her "But Vanessa!!" She whines "Now" Vanessa says, Chloe pouts but goes outside. Madelaine looks at Vanessa "What?" Vanessa asks "Did I go too far?" She asks "No it's not that. you just look hot when you're being authoritative" Madelaine smirks "Oh so you like when I take demand?" Vanessa says resting her hands on Madelaine's ass "I do" Madelaine says "I would totally fuck you right now" Vanessa tells her "We always have a house" Madelaine kisses her wife.

"Are you going to let me talk?" Trinity asks, Chloe nods "I'm sorry I cheated. You're right it did happen more then once...I felt us drifting away from each other and I couldn't handle that. I know I should have just talked to you about what was going on but I didn't know how to. I love you Chloe. I really do" Trinity says "How long has this been happening?" Chloe asks "Just a few weeks" Trinity tells her honestly "I felt us drifting too" Chloe admits "I didn't want to say anything in case it was one sided" She adds "It's been hell without you. I love you" Trinity tells her, she takes Chloe's hands in her own "And I loved you" Chloe takes her hands back "Not anymore. Like you said we were drifting....I don't want to get back together" Chloe tells her "Okay" Trinity's voice breaks "I have to go" Chloe tells her "Bye" They both say.
"I'm officially single" Chloe says her heart slowly starts breaking "I haven't been single in almost 4 years" Chloe says "I'm alone" She mumbles "Thats insulting" Oliver says "I'm not going to kiss you, cuddle with you and....uhhh other things" Chloe tells them "Well you can always give me a hug" He tells her "I mean you could technically kiss them but I wouldn't recommend it" Madelaine shrugs "I'm not kissing my brother-in-law" Chloe says disgusted "Not even that. I'm not kidding a girl at all" Oliver gags "You're pan?" Vanessa says confused "Oh I'm gay now" He tells her "You change faster than the days" Chloe laughs at them. "You're so difficult" Vanessa tells them "Thank you" They smile.


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