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Trinity keeps yawning and drifting to sleep, this doesn't go unnoticed by Chloe.
"Baby what's wrong?" Chloe asks crawling onto her lap "Nothing" Trinity shrugs "You're always yawning. You don't seem to get much rest at night so what's going on?" She asks playing with the brunettes hair. "Nothing. Just haven't gotten much sleep with filming and all this other stuff" Trinity says "Okay then...I love you" she says getting up "I love you too" Trinity gives her a weak smile.

"So what's actually going on?" Oliver asks Trinity "What do you mean?" Trinity asks "You've been jumpy all day. Every time someone's near you you quickly turn off your phone. You obviously haven't slept in a while" He starts listing things "I'm just tired. That's it" She tells them "Lier" he says "Are you cheating on Chloe?" They ask "No I'm not cheating on her" Trinity rolls her eyes "I don't believe you" He says "Well I'm not cheating so start believing me" She says "You're sneaky as fuck. You can easily get away with this" Oliver says.

Chloe is walking to the kitchen as Oliver follows her "She's not cheating" Chloe repeats for the hundredth time "She definitely is. The hanging out late at night, not wanting people to see her phone. If that's not signs of cheating then I don't know what is" They say "Who's cheating?" Vanessa asks coming into the kitchen with Madelaine "No one" Chloe sighs "Trinity" Oliver tells her "Want me to kill her?" Madelaine asks "She's not fucking cheating. He's just being an idiot" She says annoyed "So you're telling me you haven't thought of it" They asks "Yes Oliver...I have okay? I have thought that she could be cheating...But she loves me enough not to" Chloe tells them "Enough not to get caught" Oliver mumbles "Stop it" Vanessa tells him "Leave her alone" She adds "Fine" Oliver rolls their eyes then goes to his room. 

Madelaine sits on her sister's "Want to talk about how you thought Trinity was cheating?" Madelaine asks, Chloe lets out a big sigh "Oliver is right. She is hiding something from everyone not just me, but I don't want to think she's cheating then she's not and it ruins our relationship" The younger redhead says "I don't think Trinity would ever do that to you" Madelaine tells her little sister "I'm hope so..." Chloe sighs "I...I don't know if I can do this anymore" She looks up at her sister "Do what?" Madelaine asks "Everything....My relationship, my friendships, just my whole fucking life" Chloe cries into her sister "You will get through it okay? I know how you feel. You feel like everything and everyone is out to get you....Remember when you asked if I was having second thoughts about marrying Vanessa?" Chloe nods "Well I lied....I was having second thoughts. I felt like everything was going the wrong direction. I didn't see myself getting married and having a baby this young. I thought Vanessa was out to get me. My mind kept telling me that she was going to hurt me and leave me broken but I remembered that she's stuck with me for so many years just like Trinity has stuck by you" Madelaine says "I should talk to her shouldn't I?" Chloe asks "I would if I was you" She nods. Chloe gives her sister a big hug before getting in her car and driving to Trinity's house.

Chloe parks in the driveway. There are three cars there, Trinity and her mom only have two cars. "Weird" she shrugs, she gets out the car, she walks up the driveway but hides when she sees the door open, out comes a girl and Trinity.
The girl goes to kiss Trinity but she dodges it "I have a girlfriend" Trinity tells her "We just had sex" The girl says confused "We were drunk and high. It shouldn't have happened" Trinity sighs "Don't be like that" The girl rubs Trinity's chest "Ava. I can't do this right now" Trinity moves the girl's hand "Trinity. You don't even like that girl anymore cause if you did I wouldn't be here" Ava tells her "I love her" Trinity tells Ava "You love her so much you cheated" Ava laughs "I....Just go okay" Trinity looks at the driveway "Who's car?" Ava asks "Chloe's?" Trinity says confused on why the car is there.
Chloe gets out her hiding spot with tears in her eyes "Fucking shit. Chloe" Trinity says "I'm leaving now" Ava runs to her car then leaves "You heard the part where I said I was high and drunk right?" Trinity asks "I heard the part where you cheated" Chloe tells her "Fuck you" Chloe goes to her car. "Baby...It's not what it looked like. I wasn't aware of what I was doing" Trinity says at the driver side window "Just leave me alone Trinity" Chloe tells the girl "And get the fuck away from my car" She adds angrily "Baby..." Trinity says sadly "Don't call me that....We're done" Chloe backs up out the driveway.
She speeds home.

"Good morning" Oliver says when Chloe walks into the front door. She has tears all over her face "What's wrong?" Oliver runs to her side "We broke up" She cried harder "Mornin-" Madelaine and Vanessa rush down the steps and hold Chloe "Whats wrong?" Madelaine mouths to Oliver "They broke up" They mouth back.

"I went to her house and there was a girl there so I hid and listened to them talk and....She had drunken sex with the girl" Chloe tells them "I'm going to fucking kill her" Oliver says "I'll join" Madelaine tells them "It's fine...Relationships have to come to and end at sometime" Chloe sighs "Just didn't think it would end like this" She mumbles. Madelaine cuddles with her sister for the rest of the night.

"We have to see her tomorrow" Vanessa tells Madelaine "I know" Madelaine says laying in their bed "Are you going to be okay?" Vanessa asks cautiously "Yea" Mads shrugs "We have scenes with her" Vanessa adds "Yup" Madelaine says with no emotions "Baby...I know that Trinity fucked up and she hurt your sister but you can't do anything to her" Vanessa tells her "I know" Madelaine repeats still with no emotions. Vanessa kisses Madelaine's face "Not in the mood" Madelaine tells her "I know....Good night baby, I love you" Vanessa says softly "I love you too" Madelaine cuddles into Vanessa.


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