Ice Cream Leads to Disaster

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After everyone had finished cleaning up Gisela's house, they all got ready to leave for a delicious treat.

Gisela took them to the ice cream shop down the block and around two corners, Frosty Treat.

After they all entered, a single beeline was made for the counter.

Gisela laughed to herself as she followed everyone in the shop at a normal pace. The little gold bell above the door chimed merrily when she shut the door.

"So, what are you all going to get?" The female inquired, walking up to them.

Nobody answered, as her voice was lost in the excited chatter. 

She repeated herself, louder. Nothing.

Gisela whistled, getting everyone's attention. "Place your orders, then go drag two tables together and pull up some chairs. Boys first, then girls."

They all nodded, and did as she asked. Moments later, she placed her order, then told the waitress to bring the bill to their table and give it to Fintan, the "tall, blonde spiky-haired boy".

After everyone sat down, Glimmer started a pleasant conversation by thanking Gisela for everything, and commenting on what a pleasure it was to be able to spend the weekend with her friends.

Umber chimed in after everyone agreed with Glimmer and thanked Gisela, reminding everyone of the truth or dare game they played the other night.

That led to polite teasing and Gethen and Trix poking fun at each other good-naturedly, much to everyone's surprise.

"Um, aren't you guys enemies? Normally you both argue, especially about the other day." Umber pointed out.

"Not that I mind. In fact, it's nice to have some peace for a change. But are you two okay?"

"We're frenemies now." Gethen corrected her with a smile.

"Yeah, we worked things out." Trix agreed. "Hey, remember the look on your face when I hit you with that squirmig?"

Gethen laughed. "It was pretty hilarious. Right, guys?"

When nobody answered him, Trix shrugged.

"Well, they were laughing, so they surely found it funny." He pointed out.

They clapped each other on the back as a friendly gesture.

Dead silence followed, everyone except Vespera (she was reading) was staring wide-eyed at the boys.

Some of their mouths even dropped open a little.

"What? Did we each sprout another head?" Gethen asked, looking at everyone's slack faces.

The waitress chose that moment to bring the bill to Fintan. 

He snatched it, shot Gisela an icy look, then put his dad's credit card on top of the paper.

It was taken away and paid for.

Gisela scooted closer. "You swiped your father's credit card?"

"I didn't want to pay for it myself. That was his treat." Fintan grinned.

Gisela rolled her eyes. "Only you would do that. I assumed you snuck out of your chores?"

"Couldn't have done it otherwise." He admitted.

Gisela slapped his arm playfully, then scooted back to her spot.

Fintan pantomimed trying to hold on to her, and they shared a grin.

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