Ch 13: The Next Match Has Been Made

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(Sry for the wait guy's, I've been busy lately and I'll probably be more busy but I'm gonna try to squeeze in more writing time. I Promise but for now enjoy this chapter, and thx for waiting:)

Setting: Battle Center: Surveillance Room
N: It was Tokoyami vs Kirishima and both were waiting for Mr. Aizawa's word for them to make a move. Everyone was watching them through the screens, Kirishima showed that same goofy smile as always but Tokoyami was a little off.

Mr. Aizawa: "Go ahead." He said through the microphone.

Kirishima: "Let's do this." He said as he hardened his arms.

Tokoyami: "Dark Shadow!"

N: His shadow appeared beside him and after that the boys were on the move. Kirishima's guard was up even more since he didn't know where Tokoyami would pop up from. Tokoyami proceeded with caution as well, but he may seem like he's focused on the task at hand but in truth his thoughts are more concentrated on something else.

Aika: "Hey Toko. Good luck." She said with a small partial smile.
~End of Flashback~

[Tokoyami's POV]
Why can't I get that out of my head? She's so...indescribable but confusing at the same time. I wish I could understand her better, she seems like a quiet type but then she acts like a person nobody should mess with. I just can't seem to get a read on her.

Dark Shadow: "Will you snap out of it. She's just a girl, why are you so interested in her? You sure you just don't have a crush on her?"

Tokoyami: "I thought I told you to stop saying that! I don't. She's just..strange, I just don't understand her. It's not a crush!"

Kirishima: "Gotcha!"

N: Kirishima popped up from above, he smashed through the floor he was on nearly landing on top of Tokoyami. Tokoyami dodged just before getting crushed.

Deku: "Whoa, what an attack!" He said through a shocked face.

Uraraka: "Yeah, and Tokoyami almost got crushed."

Iida: "Kirishima's actions were almost catastrophic! He could have harmed Tokoyami if he hadn't dodged in time!" He yelled as he chopped the air.

Mr. Aizawa: "Calm down, just be glad nothing happened. Though you're not wrong, Kirishima nearly crushed Tokoyami but he did act fast, without thinking twice. When your life is in danger you either can't move or your body starts moving on it's own and you won't even realize it." He said giving a concentrated stare towards the monitors.

Kirishima: "Woah. Oh man, guess I went a little overboard. Sorry Tokoyami, you good?" He asked in a concerning tone.

Tokoyami: "Yes, I think so." He said as he stood up.

Aika: "You have an opening, come on Tokoyami." She said under her breath while looking at the monitors.

N: Tokoyami's eyes widened then he took invasive maneuvers.

Tokoyami: "Dark Shadow!"

Dark Shadow: "Got it!"

Kirishima: "Huh? Whoa!"

N: Kirishima dodged Dark Shadow and went straight for Tokoyami. Tokoyami jumped back and Dark Shadow got in front of him.

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