Ch 4: A Strange Feeling

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Setting: The cafeteria
Uraraka: "Umm, guy's." She said as she pointed to Aika and Tokoyami.
Kaminari: "Woah, what?! Are they a thing now or something?!" He asked.
Iida: "What? Don't be ridiculous Kaminari they just met! He's just being polite and joining her for lunch." Iida told Kaminari as he chopped the air.
Mina: "Well it's no wonder he was taking so long. I ship it!" She said with a grin on her face.
Uraraka: "Hey, no fair I was gonna say that!" She said with a big smile on her face from excitement.
Iida: "There will be no shipping! No ship's of any kind!" He told the girls while chopping the air. "He's just joining his classmate for lunch, it's not a big deal."
Kirishima: "Whatever you say man, but I don't know~ they could be getting close. Tokoyami's probably gonna make a move on the new girl~." Kirishima said with a big grin on his face.
N: Everyone got quite by what he said and looked at each other. But the guy's had their doubts since Tokoyami was never the romantic type...or at least they think he isn't. But the girls let out little squeals and giggled to each other thinking that Aika and Tokoyami were a couple. The girls continued to watch the two of them talk in the distance with grins on their faces.
Uraraka: "I sooo ship it!" Said Uraraka as she made her hand into a fist and put it up high.
Mina: "I ship it too!" Mina said as she copied Uraraka's gesture.
Toru: "Same here! Who would of thought that Tokoyami, the most quiet guy in class would have a thing for the new girl!" Toru said while putting her invisible hand in the air.
N: The guy's all let out sighs as they continued to eat their lunches. But the girls all giggled amongst themselves as they continued to glance at Tokoyami and Aika with grins on their faces. The guy's looked at them from time to time as well but some of them had grins on their faces.
(Back to Tokoyami & Aika)
N: Aika noticed their classmates staring at them and laughing with grins on their faces. She raised an eyebrow wondering what's going on in her classmates heads.
Aika: "Don't look now, but I think our classmates are noticing us." She whispered to Tokoyami.
N: Tokoyami looked over his shoulder to see them laughing and grinning at each other. He also raised an eyebrow but he just shrugged it off and ignored them.
Aika: "If you want you can go join your friends." She said as she picked up a piece of fruit.
N: Tokoyami turned back to look at her and watched her eat the piece of fruit.
Tokoyami: "No." He said.
N: Aika picked her head up and as she did she looked Tokoyami in his deep red eyes.
Tokoyami: "I'm fine where I am..I'll stay here with you." He said as he blushed a little.
Aika: 'Wow. How can someone be so charming without even realizing it? His words, his voice..they let out such a low and smooth tone. Something I haven't heard from a guy in a long time.' She thought to herself as she began to blush. "Alright, Tokoyami." She told him as her blush deepened.
Tokoyami: 'Why is she red like that?' He thought. He looked down with an embarrassed expression on his face as he thought about what he said. 'She's probably upset by what I said. What was I thinking?'
N: Tokoyami's face turned a bright red. Aika's red face deepened more and she looked down, she was waiting for Tokoyami to say something. But she was conflicted on whether or not to say something or wait for him to say something. Then they made eye contact with one another and their faces turned even more red than they all ready were. They both felt flustered and awkward, as they continued to look into each other's eyes.
Tokoyami: "I-I'm sorry Amari." He said as he looked back down with embarrassment.
Aika: "No, no don't be, it's alright." She said, as she held her hand underneath the table. "It's just..your being so polite to me and...I didn't really set a good impression on myself when I came into class. Or when I left class." She said pushing her hair behind her ear while looking down.
Tokoyami: 'Does she really feel that way?' He thought. "'s alright. Honestly if anyone didn't make a good first impression it was us not you. The way we all looked at you was misleading and I'm sorry for that, and I know that the class is too. Not everyone can make a good first impression, especially on their first day at a new school..or for a new student. Whether it's us making a good impression for ourselves or for someone else." He said as he tilted his head trying to get her to look at him.
N: Aika picked her head up and Tokoyami tilted his head up so he could look her in her big ruby red eyes. They both blushed and looked at each other with a strange feeling in their stomachs. Aika gave Tokoyami a small smile then the bell rang and it broke their stare. They grabbed their trays and threw their trash away and walked to class together. There was nothing but silence between them and they were still blushing without realizing it. They both continued down the hall but people continued to whisper things about Aika. People were pointing and laughing a little because of her outfit, she stopped blushing and gave people scary glares to tell them to back off and they did.
Tokoyami: "Are you ok?" He asked her.
Aika: "Yes, I'm fine. I just wish I could get my uniform quickly. I'm getting tired of people talking about me because of my outfit of choice." She said with a little frustration in her voice.
N: Tokoyami took notice of the other students pointing at her outfit and whispering to each other while staring at Aika. He got their attention and he gave them all a threatening look to get them to stop talking about Aika. The students who were whispering stopped and went to their classrooms in a hurry. Tokoyami looked at Aika noticing that something was bothering her, but he didn't say anything because he was distracted by the way she looked. He felt like he had butterflies in his stomach and his heart started to beat faster as he thought about how she looked at lunch when she put her hair behind her ear.
Tokoyami: 'What's with me today? Why can't I think straight?' He thought to himself. 'Hmm..she's completely different than anyone I've ever met. I don't know why but, there's something inside me that feels like there's more to her than meets the eye.' He stared at her without realizing he had a small smile on his face.
N: They reached their classroom to see some of their classmates in their seats talking to each other. Tokoyami and Aika went to their seats without saying a word to each other. Class was finally over and everyone started to pack up their things and head to their dorms, Aika grabbed her bag and didn't say a word to Tokoyami as she passed his desk. She left the classroom and walked to her new room and started unpacking her things.
Aika: "Finally, done." She said after unpacking her last box.
N: She sat on her bed and took off her jacket and let out a sigh. She looked around her new room and saw one more box under her night stand by her bed. She sat on the floor and pulled out the box and opened it and pulled out picture frames with photos inside them. The photos were of her when she was child, and some were photos of her and her old friends from her old school. She started to smile as she picked up the photos. She placed the pictures on her shelves, and her desk, and she put two pictures frames on her night stand. And then her room was finally complete.
Echo-Shade: "Your room looks nice. You know I could of helped you unpacked." He said.
Aika: "Sorry Echo. If I need you for anything else I promise to speak up." She said while petting his head with a smile on her face.
N: She sat back down on her bed and Echo-Shade put his head on her lap like a pet when they want to be pet on the head. She pet his head and continued to look at the pictures on her night stand. Then her smile started to slowly fade away. Echo-Shade looked at her then looked at the photos.
Echo-Shade: "Are you ok? Aika?" He asked.
Aika: "If I say yes would you believe me?" She asked as she started to show a little smile.
Echo-Shade: "Judging by the way you looked a second ago, probably not." He said smiling back at her.
Aika: "I swear Echo-Shade, you act more like a protective brother than a shadow." She told him as her smile returned.
N: He let out a chuckle then rose from her lap and patted her head with a grin.
Echo-Shade: "Well I kinda have to don't I?"
Aika: "Haha very funny." She said sarcastically.
Echo-Shade: "Besides, it puts me at ease to see you smile. And you know for a fact that they wouldn't want you to be upset." He said as he looked at the photos on her night stand.
Aika: "Fair point." She said while looking at the pictures.
Echo-Shade: "Also, judging by what happened today I think that Tokoyami guy likes you." He said with a grin while crossing his shadow like arms.
N: Aika's face turned a bright red of embarrassment.
Aika: "Echo-Shade!" She yelled at him with her face a light red color.
Echo-Shade: "It's just a thought. He seemed nice, and very respectful to you. And besides, I wasn't expecting his quirk Dark Shadow to look similar to me." He said. "I was also happy to see that he wanted to keep you company. But with you two bumping into each other like that, says a lot." He said with a grin.
Aika: "It was an accident! He was just being friendly, and besides we just met, how can he like someone he doesn't even know?" She questioned the shadow. "But I am grateful for your concern, and to know that it made you happy to see me talk with someone new. So..does my 'big brother' approve of the changes so far?" She asked with a little smile on her face while crossing her arms.
Echo-Shade: "This place seems decent enough for my 'little sister'." He replied with a grin. "He also seems like a decent person for you to spend time with." He said with a grin.
Aika: "Ok your really pushing it Echo." She said while pointing her finger in his face.
N: Echo-Shade laughed and then rubbed her head and went away. Aika was alone but since she finished unpacking she just sat down on her bed and listened to music and made animals out of  the shadows in her room and watched them float around. She made a little black bird with red eyes out of the shadow from her night stand and watched it fly around her room as it was giving out a little bird like song. She then started to smile as she thought about Tokoyami and how they bumped into each other.
Aika: "Snap out of it Aika! Your daydreaming about something that was just an accident, that's all it accident." She told herself while shaking her head. "Who am I kidding. If he knew anything about my past he wouldn't want anything to do with me. I can't let anyone know, I don't need anyone's pity. I just need to let it go, besides like I always say when I'm with someone new, "It's just temporary." She said while looking down. "Although, he was something else. I mean he sure knows how to treat a girl respectfully. Hmm..I wonder if there's more to him than meets the eye." She said with a little smile on her face, with her little shadow bird resting on her finger.
(Sry took me so long, hope u all enjoyed this chapter I can't wait for u guy's to see the next one.🙂 Little heads up I'm gonna add a few secret techniques to her quirk as I go along.😉)

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