One-Shot: Monthly

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(Ok guy's I haven't been doing many of these so I'm just gonna start making more. I went with this one cause I've read one-shots like this so I'm gonna try and do one:)

Setting: Common room

Kaminari: "Hey Sero have you seen this video of the cat playing the toilet like a drum?"

Sero: "Hm, no."

N: Aika glanced from her book at Kaminari and rolled her eyes and went back to reading.

Kaminari: "Here, here look."

N: He played the video and him and Sero started laughing. Aika gripped her book and let out a quiet growl.

Sero: "Hahaha! Oh man, play it again."

Kaminari: "Alright, alright."

Mineta: "What're you guys watching?"

Kaminari: "This cat playing the toilet like a drum."

N: Mineta came around the couch and started laughing too. Aika looked at them and scoffed and shook her head.

Mineta: "Hey turn it up more."

N: Kaminari put the video on full volume and they just kept on laughing at the same video. Aika growled a little louder then she rose from her seat, she took control over Kaminari's phones shadow. She moved her fingers to the right and his phone was flung across the room onto the floor.

Kaminari: "Hey! Why'd you do that?"

Aika: "It's irritating me."

Kaminari: "You didn't have to do that though."

Aika: "Well you didn't have to have the video so loud, or watch it over, and over again. So next time just plug in your damn headphones!"

N: Aika's eyes started glowing and the guy's started shaking and sweating. Aika aggressively grabbed her book then she suddenly put her hand on the side of her stomach then she just walked to her room.

Mina: "What'd you guys do this time?"

Mineta: "We were just watching a video then Amari threw the phone away."

Sero: "Yeah, but she looked so mad for no reason. Apparently the video was that annoying to her."

Kaminari: "Well, guess it's her time of the month. OW!"

Jiro: "Shut up you idiot." Jiro said after she smacked him in the back of the head.

Hagakure: "It's really annoying and obnoxious when guy's say it like that. And if she is, then don't say anything about it."

N: Tokoyami who was listening from one of the tables looked in the direction that Aika took. And Aika was in her room on her bed wrapped up in the blankets as she was inhaling sharply and clutching onto her stomach. And tears were filling in her eyes.

Aika: "Errrmm! Ahah, make it stop!"

N: Half an hour passed and Aika was asleep with her eyes looking puffy and her cheeks were stained from her tears. Then there was a light knock on the door, Aika opened her eyes slightly then she fell back asleep. And then there was more knocking, she groaned and rubbed her eyes while Echo-Shade got the door. Aika was blinded by the light from the hall but Echo-Shade shut the door letting in Tokoyami. Aika blinked and saw Tokoyami with a few bags.

Aika: "What're you doing here?"

N: He didn't answer, he put the bags down, cupped her cheek then nudged her head with his beak, he sat beside her and looked in one of the bags and pulled out a bottle of pills and a heating pad. Aika took the heating pad and pill bottle then looked back at Tokoyami with her brow raised.

Tokoyami: "I had to look up a few things. Then it was even harder finding them at the store."

N: Aika looked at the heating pad and pill bottle and looked at Tokoyami. He pulled out a water bottle and Aika had her arms wrapped around him. She barred her face in his hood and nuzzled her face into it. Tokoyami looked over his shoulder at her as he blushed. After a few minutes, Aika had taken the pills and was using the heating pad while chewing on a pocky stick. Tokoyami watched her with a smile then he grabbed the bags and put them on her desk.

Tokoyami: "Is there anything else you want me to bring you?"

Aika: "Mmm, no. I'm good."

Tokoyami: "Okay. I'll let you rest."

Aika: ... "Actually, uh. Can you stay with me?"

Tokoyami: "Of course."

N: Aika scooted over and Tokoyami laidback beside her. Aika handed him a pocky stick with a smile on her face, he returned the smile and took the pocky. Aika scooted closer to him then flipped over on her side. He looked over at her then he took the pocky box from her and put his piece in it. He put the box on the night stand and flipped on his side with his arm under his head, Aika looked down at his hoodie then back at him.

Tokoyami: "What is it?"

N: Aika grabbed the bottom of his hoodie and pulled it up, she put her hand under his shirt and put her head under his shirt and hoodie. Tokoyami tensed up and turned red as her hand moved up to his chest. She popped her head out of the neck hole and put her face between the crook of his neck. Tokoyami with his hand raised swallowed and pulled the blanket over them then he put his arm around her and gave her a little squeeze. Aika smiled to herself and brought her hand up his shirt a little more.

Aika: "Night."

Tokoyami: "Good night."


N: So after a whole week of mood swings, cramps, and backaches Aika and Tokoyami would spend their week everyday after school in her room eating snacks, watching movies, and reading poetry to each other. But the one thing they enjoyed most was Aika cuddling with him under his shirts and hoodies. But it was saturday and it was the end of her pain and mood swings. Aika was on the side of the dorm building sparring with Echo-Shade.

Echo-Shade: "Good. Try striking me with more power in your kicks and punches this time."

Aika: "Alright."

Tokoyami: "Might I suggest starting off with a running start then attack."

Aika: "How long were you standing there?"

Tokoyami: "Long enough." He came closer towards her, then he put her hair behind her ear. "How are you feeling? Is there less pain?"

Aika: "Yeah I'm good. It's all over till it happens again."

Tokoyami: "Oh I see. I'm glad to hear that. I just wanted to come out here to check on you. I'll see you at dinner."

N: He left them and went back inside, Aika and Echo-Shade just looked at each other and he just shrugged at her. After dinner was made and everyone ate Tokoyami went to his room for the night. As he was getting ready for bed there was a small knock on the door.

Tokoyami: "Yes?"

Aika: "Hey. Uh I know my "pain" is over but uh.. I was just wondering if..maybe I-we could-"

N: He tapped her forehead with a pocky stick and opened his door more.

Tokoyami: "What movie did you have in mind?"

N: She smiled and took the pocky stick and went into his room while chewing on the stick. They laid on his bed watching a horror movie and of course when Tokoyami's focus was on the movie Aika took advantage of that and snuck under his shirt and snuggled in close to him. Tokoyami just smiled with his face a little pink and covered her more with the blanket.

Tokoyami: "You are quite cunning, you know that?"

Aika: "Yeah but you can't deny that you enjoy it sometimes."

Tokoyami: "Hm, yeah I can't deny that fact."

N: Aika smiled and gave him a kiss on the side of his beak then laid her head against his neck and watched the rest of the movie.

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