Chapter 21: Smoothest Bath For The Uglies.

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This has been the journey so far...

The Corpse hides in false skin, his allies attempts to find the kidnapped Iop within the Ugly Castle

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The Corpse hides in false skin, his allies attempts to find the kidnapped Iop within the Ugly Castle... But distractions have made its way.

-Crow Father.

(y/n): Ahhhh~ This reminds me of sweet home~

???: Does your home have warm mud baths?

(y/n): Yes, yes they do have them... But unfortunately I was forbidden to ever come near now that I'm... This...

You replied with a fake smile, sitting in a bath full of warm smooth mud of some sort with three of the ugly princesses. Yugo and the others didn't join as they stood a few steps away, planning on how they are going to save Percedel... However Evangelyne seems to be starring at you, this caught Amalia's attention as she nudges her elbow.

Amalia: What's wrong, Eva?

Evangelyne: It's (y/n). Shouldn't he be helping us?

Yugo: I think he's distracting them.

Ruel: Should we even call him a "He" at this point?

As the gang continue to whisper to each other, you continue your conversation with the three ugly princesses, you leaned back and looked around with an eye open.

(y/n)'s Mind: Where did that fourth one go? Meh.

???: I'll be right back.

The Ugly Princess with a large mustache said as she leaves the mud bath and leaves the room. You watch her leave before you looked forward and began washing your spiked tail as the Ugly Mummy Princess asked.

???: I bet that tail gave you some problems.

(y/n): Ugh, you have no idea, it's difficult to move around in a crowd without someone stepping on your tail every damn second.

You then sighed before letting you tail sink into the water... Silence seem to have taken over while you can hear the gang whisper in the distance... However the silence was then broken by the screams of the Ugly Mustache Princess that echoes through the Ugly Castle.


This of course got the attention of everyone as the Ugly Mummy and Strong Princess left the mud bath, leaving you alone as you waved.

(y/n): I'll hold the fort. *Siiiigh~*

You leaned your head back, feeling the warm water of the bath as you slowly sank down with a satisfied smile on your face...

[Timeskip with (y/n) sitting at the top of the tamest tower as Yugo and the gang tries to get his attention by throwing stones at him... Failing.]

Gentle snores are heard in the warm mud bath as you were sleeping with your head on your arms, resting on the edge of the bath. You were peacefully sleeping till mud was poured on your head, forcing you to sit up and shake your head.

(y/n): H-Huh? What... Oh... What do you want?

Evangelyne: To remind you that we're here to save Dalley out.

Evangelyne replied, holding a bucket in her hands as you looked at her before going back to sleeping.

(y/n): You have fun with that, I'm just going to take a nap.

Evangelyne: What?! Are you serious?!

(y/n): Yup... Wake me when we leave.

Evangelyne wasn't so happy from your response as she began with a furious tone.

Evangelyne: You lazy idiot! Get up and help us find that dumb Iop!

(y/n): Why the attitude? Oh don't tell me~

You sat up with a smirk before putting your hands behind your head and began.

(y/n): Are you jealous of my Flawless, Dragon Body~?

Evengalyne: W-What?!? Why would I be jealous?!

Amalia: Uhm... Hello? Shouldn't we-

(y/n): Easy, my skin is smooth, I'm tall, strong and beautiful~

You then crossed your arms, unintentionally causing your breasts to jiggle... Evangelyne stared at them before she began to grit her teeth in anger as she slowly raised the bucket.

(y/n): Listen, it's not your fault that you can't change the looks that you have. As for me? I can shapeshift at will so don't be hat- HOLY SH-

And Evangelyne began to bash you in the head with a bucket as the rest just stood there and watched from afar as everything fades to black.


Evangelyne: YOU JERK!!!

And the title "Wakfu" appeared as the title is untouched and silence fills the air.

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