Chapter 19: The Unexpected Changes.

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This has been the journey so far...

The group of four disguised themselves as hideous as possible

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The group of four disguised themselves as hideous as possible... But the Corpse was missing... When they began to decide who to save... He appears before them... In a different skin.

-Crow Father.

Ruel: (y/n)? Huh... Where did that strange boy go?

Behind some trees and bushes, the Old Man, Ruel stood by a river, wearing a princess dress and make up, looking rather hideous as ever. The old man was searching left and right for you... But unfortunately he doesn't see you at all as the young boy's voice was heard.

???: Wow, Ruel. You look really ugly! Haha!

The old man turns around and sees Yugo and Amalia, sharing one brown dress together as Ruel asked.

Ruel: What are you two suppose to be?

Yugo: Siamese Princess!

Ruel: Ah... Hmm... Say, where's Evangelyne?

Amalia: She refused to let me dress her up so she ran and hid behind some bushes.

Amalia replied, with quite a disappointed tone in her voice as Yugo looks around and noticed that you're not around.

Yugo: Uh...

???: Done!

The three turn their heads, surprised to see Evangelyne walk out from the bushes in a beautiful white dress as her hair was untied, letting it down her hair.

Ruel: E-Evangelyne? Is... Is that really you?

The Cra girl soon stood before her friends as she began.

Evangelyne: Go ahead, laugh at me. I know I look ridiculous.

Yugo: Ridiculous? No way! You look very classy!

???: Couldn't agree more, Little One.

Amalia: Classy? Hmmph, you two clearly need glasses... Wait... Who...?

Suddenly a mysterious voice was heard from behind Evangelyne as large wings soon came to view from behind her. Everyone looked behind Evangelyne before the Cra quickly turns around and before them, was this majestic being.

 Everyone looked behind Evangelyne before the Cra quickly turns around and before them, was this majestic being

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???: Greetings, everyone. Sorry to keep you waiting.

The mysterious woman said, putting her hands on her hips. Everyone took a step back before Evangelyne began.

Evangelyne: Uh... Who are you? And are you one of the ugly princesses?

The woman raised her eye brow and replied as she crossed her arms... And her DAYUM ELDER DRAGON T*TTIES GIGGLED. Ahem...

???: Jee I don't know, Elf. Who could I possibly be? Maybe I could be (y/n)? The only person that seems missing.

She replied as the answer seems obvious... Everyone seems to be silence for a moment...




Evangelyne: W-Wait... Y-You're serious?

(y/n): Yes. Yes I'm being serious, it's me.

[Timeskip with (y/n) baking some delicious, chocolate cupcakes for himself... Only for Yugo and the gang surrounded him and grabbed the said cupcakes.]

Ruel: Here we are. Be ready to be ugly.

(y/n): I'm pretty sure you'd be cheating at this point, I can't even look at you.

You said, now standing before the gates of the ugly castle. You crossed your arms as you waited for something to happen or at least the gates open... However you felt someone gazing upon you as you turn your head and see Evangelyne, glaring at your magnificent Elder Dragon bobs.

(y/n): Something on your mind, Elf?

Evangelyne: Hmm? No, it's nothing! And I'm a Cra!

(y/n): Same thing.

Evangelyne: What even is an "Elf" that you're comparing me with?

(y/n): Light skin, slim, pointy ears, good with a bow. Same thing.

Evangelyne: Really?

She crosses her arms, starring at you as you looked at her from the corners of your eyes.

(y/n): You're rather upset with me. Have I done something to offend you?

You asked as Evangelyne only stared at you before looking at your huge honkers, I mean large podonkers, I mean some serious hooters, set of badonkers, dobonhonheros, massive dohoonkabhankoloos, big tonhongerekoogers, humongous hungolomghnonoloughongous!

Evanglyne: Hmmph! No!

(y/n): Tch... Weirdo.

As you said this, you hear the gates open, you turn your head forward and see that the gate's open... And with that... Everything fades to black...

(y/n): Lets go save that idiot.

And the title "Wakfu" appeared as the title is covered in spikes and faint laughter was heard.

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