Chapter 32: A Comfort Inn Only A Dead Man Would Enjoy.

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This has been the journey so far...

The Gang has finally found a place to rest for the night, their hunger demands a delightful feast

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The Gang has finally found a place to rest for the night, their hunger demands a delightful feast... Only to be greeted by disgust... Forcing them to rest up for the night.

-Crow Father.


(y/n): Tch... Loud fool.

You rolled your eyes, standing behind Percedel after he pushed opened a door that leads inside the Inn that you and the rest found. As you and the gang looked inside, there were people in the Inn, sitting in tables but they were just like the rest outside, brainless and lifeless like.

(y/n): Hmm... Even in here, they all look like the Undead.

Ruel: I'd say we just leave before we get ourselves into something worse here.

Yugo: I don't think my stomach agrees with you, Ruel.

(y/n): Come on, lets not make the boy starve.

You gently placed your hand on Yugo's shoulder as everyone began to walk down the stairs... Amalia suddenly stopped and looked towards her left as everyone sees a crooked mirror on the wall as Amalia began.

Amalia: Ugh, this place is bad for my skin. Lets not stay here for too long.

She left before it was Evangelyne's turn to look at the mirror. She stared at the Mirror for a minute before Percedel stood behind her and jokingly lifted two fingers behind her head. She rolls her eyes before going down the stairs as Ruel and Yugo ignores the Mirror... You were the last one as you looked at your reflection...

(y/n): Hmm...

You slowly placed your hand on the mirror before the whole thing broke... You slowly pulled your hand away as a long, bladed bone was pulled out of the wall as it was coming out of the palm of your hand.

(y/n): I don't know why but I had the feeling to do that.

You said as your bladed bone retracts back inside your palm before you joined the gang on a large table before you see a Lifeless looking man gave them a bowl of... Who knows what it is as they all stared in disgust.

Percedel: Uuuh... I'll pass.

Evangelyne: Not happening.

Amalia: No thank you!

Yugo: I rather starve than to eat that.

Ruel: Told you should have eaten the fishes instead.

They all refuse to eat whatever waste is on the large bowl... But what they didn't expect was to see you reach for the bowl and just ate the whole thing in one gulp. Everyone stared at you in shock and disgust, expecting you to pass out from the horrible food... But you sighed and sat down next to Yugo with a smile.

(y/n): That's more like it. Hmm? What?

[Timeskip with (y/n) and Yugo, jumping out of Yugo's portal with bright smiles on their faces.]

(y/n): Well... At least this place has rooms for us to sleep in for the night.

After watching you eat a whole bowl of who knows what, the Gang has requested two rooms to sleep in, one for the girls and one for the boys.

(y/n): And thankfully we can all rest now.

You said, standing outside the room where the boys will be sharing, you watch Yugo bounce on a comfortable bed inside while Ruel and Percedel were getting settled... And by getting settled, I mean Ruel telling Yugo that the Bed belongs to him and Yugo should sleep on the carpet.

???: Goood Night, Haaandsoooome~

(y/n): Hmm?

You turn towards the left, seein Amaling in her night gown as she stood next to the room where she and Evangelyne will share. She smiles and waves at you before slowly walks inside and closes the door.

(y/n): Uh... Goodnight Amalia and Evangelyne?

You shrugged before you made your way inside the room that you'll we sharing with the boys.

Yugo: Hey wait, where will (y/n) sleep? There's only two beds.

Yugo said, sitting on the bed that he and Percedel will share... You noticed that were was two beds... You turn towards the bed that Ruel is laying on as he began immediately after you looked at him.

Ruel: Oh no! This bed here is all mine!

(y/n): Ruel... Would you like to get paid with Kamas if you share the bed for the night.


Ruel immediately changed his mind as he moved over, you rolled your eyes as Percedel and Yugo held back their laughter before everything fades to black...

And the title "Wakfu" appeared as the title is untouched and silence fills the air.

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