Chapter 1.

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Adriana's POV

I groaned as I exited my Calculus class. "I would ask how was class, but by the look on your face, I already know it was terrible," Zayden laughs wrapping his long arm around my shoulder. "Whatever, I'm just ready to go to my nursing class," I sigh going through my bookbag. "Yeah, I heard there will be a new professor." 

"Yeah, and it's a female doctor. A doctor!" I exclaimed leaving the building. "I see you future RN," he laughed shaking my hand and pulling me to a side hug.

"Yes sir," I smiled throwing my bag in the car. "Lame ass," he snort as I rolled my eyes, leaning against my car. I looked around the campus hearing Zay rant about his girlfriend, Zariah.

"Wow," I mumble as I see a short black woman leave a black Audi Q5. Her hair naturally curly as it defies gravity, her body the perfect size of a hour glass, and her melanin skin glows as the sun rays beam on her.

I got a small glimpse of her face and almost fell over as her brown eyes met mines, with a shy smile planted on her lips.

"Yo, A!" Zayden said waving his hand in front of my face. "What?" I scowled as I looked at him. "What got you drooling over there," he laughed as I looked back to where I saw her but immediately frowned when I didn't see her again.

"Nothing, let's go," I sigh getting in the car, remembering the beautiful face.

"I want a fat ass burger," Zayden said as I pulled up to Back Yard Burgers. "The usual?" I asks as he wiped a fake tear away nodding his head. I ordered our food and pulled up to the next window. "My nigga," he said as I paid for the food.

I grabbed our food and drinks and gave it to him. "I need to head back to campus," I mumble getting my food and eating on the way there. "Fat ass," Zayden laughs after I let out a loud burp. "Shut the hell up. I missed breakfast," I laughed grabbing a to go tooth brush out of the pack. 

"Let me get one," Zay said sticking his greasy ass fingers in my pack. "I should cut them nasty ass finger off," I laughed getting out the car with my book bag in tow. "Whatever, Ima talk to you later," he said snapping his fingers like the dork he is. 

I shake my head and walked into the medical department of the building. 

I looked down at my phone looking at the text message Zayden dumbass text me. 
Zay- I left my drink in your car 😭

I shook my head laughing but it was short lived when I bumped into someone. "My bad ma," I said looking up seeing the girl I saw earlier. "It's fine," she smiled and I think I saw it sparkle from how white they were. 

I looked down and saw her name tag on the ground. "Oh," I mumble picking it up seeing that she is the new professor for the nursing class. "Dr. Morningstar," I gulp realizing that she is my new professor. "Yes, class is actually starting in a few minutes," she says as I nod my head seeing a lot of binders and folders in her hands. 

"Need help with that?" I ask walking beside her. She quickly nodded her head and gave me a couple of the binders. "Thank you," she mumbles as I smile nodding my head. Her voice is so soft and light, it makes me want to melt. 

We made it to her class and she let out a small sigh, opening the office door. "Sit them on the desk," she mumbles placing the folders on her desk. "So I'm going to guess that you will be attending my class," she says taking a seat behind her desk. 

"Yes, ma'am. It's actually my fourth and final year," I smiled leaning against the chair in front of her desk. "Oh really?" She asks leaning against her hands as her elbows lean against her desk. I bit my lip as the top of her scrubs hug her stomach and breast but not too tight.

"You okay?" She asks waving her hand in front of my face. "Yeah, I'm good," I mumble watching her check her watch. "Since you're already here, this is the list of things that you are required to have when you enter my class and when we are doing hands on training," she says handing me a sheet of paper. 

"Okay, thanks," I smile looking over the lists. "Oh, class is about to start," she says standing up. "Oh, just a warning. It will be freezing in the hospitals we visit," she mumbles turning around, grabbing her keys and phone. 

I got a good look at her body and I must say it is so beautiful up close. I wonder how it would feel to grip her ass and just have her against my body, but she's my teacher so I need to get those thoughts out of my head. 

I quickly opened the door for her and followed her out of her office. "Thank you," she mumbles walking to a podium. "No problem," I replied going to a seat in the front. Usually I would get as close to the door as I can but I decide not to this time. 

"Alright, class has now started so I will begin on what we be doing for you all final year. I have sent an email and I have paper copies of requirements you all will need for training and when we go to hospitals," she informed everyone walking in front of the class with so much confidence. 

"We will have a required test three times a month to make sure that you all know what I teach," she stated making everyone groan, including me. "Don't worry, we will have days where we watch surgeries, without having to write essays about it I will like to add," she smiled as I perked up. "I know you all had to write so much you first couple of years so I am willing to give you all a break, but you will have to answer some questions regarding the videos," she says as I nod my head in fairness. "Other then that, I will try to make this year fun but also make sure you graduate with knowledge of your future career," she says as everyone nod their head. "Oh, how could I forget to introduce myself," she laughs smacking her forehead. 

"My name is Jasmine Morningstar but you will address me as Dr./ Professor/ or Ms. Morningstar," she says as I scratch my head taking in all the information she is giving me. "Any questions?" She asks as I looked around to see no one raised their hand. 

"Great, I will start off today with a video of the different doctors and nurses with their responsibilities," she stated turning towards the white projector screen but it was rolled all the way to the top. "Hmm, Adriana," she called making me look up at her. 

She pointed up to the screen looking at me. "Can you let it down, please?" She asks tilting her head slightly. How could I say no to that? That is just adorable. "Of course," I smile getting up, easily grabbing the handle, bringing it down. "Thank you, gotta love being 5'5," she snorts making everyone laugh with her. She's perfect to my 5'8 height. 

"Now let's start the video, yeah?" 

She opened her laptop up and connected it to the projector and pulled up an thirty minute video. "I have sent the questions to everyone's email so you all can answer the questions as you watch it," she smiled pressing play. 

I felt her eyes on me as I bit my lip watching the video and answering the questions. My eyes met hers and I immediately felt the butterflies. Butterflies? Sounds corny but I felt it. How could someone that I barely know and talked to make me feel butterflies. 

This is a weird feeling.

Hey, I started this story off wrong so I deleted and changed it.

What do you think about Zayden and Adriana's friendship?

How do you feel about Ms. Morningstar?

 Should I give pictures of the characters or do you want to use your imagination?

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