Chapter 71.

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Jasmine's POV

I felt people surround me as I opened my eyes making me go in complete defensive mode. "Baby, you're safe," I hear Adriana's light voice making me shake my head. "No, yo-you're fa-fake," I said watching her frown and hold her hands up. He's not going to trick me again. I'm not falling for it. 

I look down and saw a needle in my arm making me panic and pull it out. "No, no, not again," I cry out falling from the bed feeling strong arms hold me. "Listen to my voice princess," I hear Justice's light voice whisper in my ear as she rock me back and forth. "Feel my hand baby, it's me," she said as I cautiously grabbed her hand feeling that familiar infinite sigh on her veins. "Justice?" I cry turning around and hold her close to me. 

"I thought you wasn't going to save me," I cry feeling her pick me up and slide down on the floor. "I will always save you princess," I hear her as I latch myself around her. "We have to do her scans," I hear Symone's voice but I don't trust it. It could be him faking to be her. "N-no," I whimper stuffing my head into Justice's neck. "I got you mamas," she said as I hear a door open making me squeak and shake in her arms. 

"Find some scrub pants," Justice demanded pulling on the hoodie I'm wearing. "Samael, find Azael and Sam," she said as I suddenly felt a hand touch my head causing me to jump and grip onto Justice tighter. "He's going to ta-take me again," I cry out feeling her move and hold me tight in her arms. 

I felt her try to pull me off of her making me whimper and hold onto her tighter. "N-no," I said tightening myself around her. "Princess, they have to run a scan," she whisper as I shake my head. "I-I'm fi-fine," I mumble not wanting her to let me go. "No, you're not hun," I hear mom's voice making me close my eyes. He's a sick bastard for using my own mother's voice!

"You know me hun," I hear her voice right behind me making me shake my head. I felt someone grab my hand making me shake until I felt that familiar scar behind her ear that the last universal being left. "Ma," I sniff opening my eyes to see her golden eyes stare back at me. "Yes lady bug," she whisper as Justice stood me up and mom's arms wrap around my neck. "I need to get some blood work to see what they put in her," I hear Symone's voice making me grip onto my mother tighter. 

"I will hold you," Justice said making me nod my head and walk to her. She pulled me onto her lap, letting me rub the back of her hand. "Quickly," I mumble closing my eyes. I gripped Justice's hand as I feel the needle press into my arm making me grip her hand as the images of them sticking me with whatever they put into me. "You're doing great my queen," I hear Justice mumble as I feel her pull away. "Can we go get the scans done?" She asks rubbing my arms. 

"I want our babies," I mumble wrapping my arms around myself. "We can see our nuggets after you do your scans baby," she said making me quickly nod my head. I watch Hines walk in making me look at Justice with my eyes squinted. "I did the same thing princess," she chuckles as he pointed to the chair. "I'll walk," I mumble pulling looking down to see my pants shredded. 

"I um, need you to change into the gown," he said taking a step towards me causing me to step back into Justice. "It's okay," she whisper in my ear grabbing the gown. "Turn around," she mumbles making him turn as she undressed me clenching her jaw. She tied the strings behind me and wrapped the blanket around my shoulders. 

"I'm here," Azael said coming in panting. "Sam?" Justice asks wrapping her arm around my torso. "With the twins," he said as I walked out nervously feeling everyone eyes fall on me. "Come on," I hear her whisper before I felt the blanket wrap around me and her strong arms lift me up. I let out a small squeal as I felt her carry me to get my scan. "Jasmine?" I hear Jahi's voice telepathically. "Yeah?" I reply feeling Justice lay me down. "I'm sorry we didn't get to you fast enough," I hear Jahi mumble making me look up at Justice with a frown. 

"Stop it," I mumble watching her frown and get me situated. "I didn't do anything," she mumbles making me lift my hand up so she can look at me. "You're feeling guilty," I said hearing her sigh and kiss my forehead. "Of course I do," she mumbles walking into the other room as the machine started moving me until my stomach was under the red light. "You're doing great baby," I hear her making me calm down a little. 

I let out a small gasp as I felt the bed move again. "You did great," I hear her as she help me stand up and wrap the blanket around my body. We started our walk back towards the room, allowing me to actually feel Justice, Jahi, and Adriana's emotions. "You shouldn't feel guilty," I said turning around walking backwards. "But I could have gotten to you sooner," she whisper looking down at me, guiding me since I'm walking backwards.

I stopped and gripped her jaw, making her look down at me. "You saved me, there is no telling what he could have done if you didn't get to me," I said feeling her arms tighten around me. "But I could have gotten there earlier to prevent those bruises," she grit looking down at me. "And possibly get yourself killed?" I said a little louder than I intended it to be. I sigh and saw a small closet and pushed her in there. 

"YOU saved me. YOU prevented him from raping me. YOU did this baby," I sigh pressing my head to her shoulder. "He had a lot more people before you came and I know you're a powerful being but think about the other people that could have died. You're the only one who cannot be killed by us or any other kind," I said wrapping my arms around her. "You cannot be killed by anyone else either," she said tilting my head up. 

"How?" I ask looking up at her. "I gave you some of my immortality," she said making me raise an eyebrow. "I gave you partial immortality," she whisper touching the infinite symbol on my neck making my knees buckle. "I thought I was losing you so I gave you immortality, we can only kill each other," she smiled making me nod my head and open the door. I saw Azael standing there making me tap his shoulder and walk back to our room. 

"Chief!" I hear someone yell making me jump and look up. "We was so fucking close to the room," Justice grumble pulling me to her. "Yes?" I ask wrapping the blanket around me tighter. "Woe, chief is a patient right now so whatever you need will have to wait," Hines said making me smile nod my head. "Okay double o' seven," someone snicker making me squint my eyes. "It's Dr. Hines now," I smile walking into my room and let out a deep breath bending over. 

"You okay?" Justice asks worriedly. "Yeah, it took everything in me not to go into a panic attack," I said as I stood back up and heard that familiar coo noise. I looked towards the bed and saw our little nuggets laying on the bed in front of Michelle. "My babies," I gasp walking to them and pull them both into my arms. "I miss you two so much," I whisper kissing them both and inhaled that familiar berry scent from Makayla and pinecone from Titan. "Mommy miss you so much," I cry laying them on the bed. 

I reached for the necklace around my neck not feeling it. I looked around not seeing it trying not to panic. "Woe, what's wrong," I hear Adri's voice as I look back down to Kay and Ty. "The necklace you gave me when we started dating," I mumble wiping the tears from my eyes. "You mean this?" She asks making me look up to see her holding the infinite heart necklace. "Yes," I smile wiping the tears as I rub the tummy of my babies. 

I watch her place it around my neck making me smile and touch it. "Thank you," I sniffled watching her reach down and grab Titan. "I miss you little man," she smiled pecking his cheek as I held up Makayla. "I miss you too princess," she hums pecking her cheek and pick her up.

"WHAT HAPPENED!" I hear making Tati immediately take control and go in complete defensive mode.


Tati's PTSD?

Justice, Adriana, and Jahi blaming themselves?

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