Chapter 84.

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Adriana's POV

It's been almost a month since the event and we are currently sitting outside the hospital with kids in the back. "Are you sure its legal to have the kids here?" I ask getting out and open her door. "Its not legal but they are holding a board meeting in a hospital," she said making me nod my head and get Titan out with the diaper bag while she got Makayla out. 

"I swear if this hospital is not up and in order how I left it, there will be some problem," Jasmine said walking into the hospital. "You're back!" The receptionist said standing up with so much hope in his eyes. "Um, I don't know yet. I've came to do a check up on how everything is running," Jasmine said making him smile. "So you're back?" He said making Jasmine's eyes widen. "What has been going on?" She mumbles walking through the lobby. "Chief!" I hear someone yell along with a couple of doctors running up to us. "Aht, I'm carrying my baby," she said making them slow down. 

"Please tell me you're back," a doctor said making me frown and bounce Ty nosey ass in my arms. "What has been going on?" She asks making Dr. Hines step up and fold his arms. "We're in debt again and the new Chief has failed so many surgeries," Hines told making me shake my head and grab Makayla. 

"Are you fu-" she started stopping herself and look towards the twins. "Where are they?" She grit folding her arms. "Hines, I want you two witnesses who saw him fail these surgeries and Symone to come up here immediately," she said pacing back and forth. "Calm down baby," I mumble wrapping my arm around her waist. She turned to me frowning but it quickly softened when she looked at our nuggets. "You right," she sigh kissing their head making them giggle and reach for her. 

"Hey, I knew you was coming back," Symone said making me turn towards her and smile. "I want you, Hines, and the two witnesses to go into the room. "Adri, you think you can watch the babies until I come back?" Jasmine asks biting her lip. I smile and pecked her lip. "Go ahead beautiful," I said hearing some of the doctors cheer and clap as she walked to the room. "What has he done so terrible to this place?"

Adriana's POV

I opened the door and see everyone talking amongst themselves except for the people I have brought in. "Sit. Down." I demanded slamming the door shut. "You do not give orders," the same asshole said folding his arms. "Look here Slender Man, if you don't sit your ass down I will take you to court for having these illegal meetings," I grit walking to the end of the table. 

He quickly sat down with a scowl. "I was peaceful about letting you replace me but I asked you to do one thing and it was to keep the hospital up and running. What happened?" I ask looking at my replacement. Slender Man was about to speak making me hold my hand up and make a zipping motion over his mouth. "I am asking my replacement," I grit leaning against the table. 

"What do you mean? The hospital has been successful," he smile as I suck the top row of my seat. "Whiteness?" I ask turning my head to two of the surgical nurses. "One hundred and twenty seven failed surgeries," one of them said making me choke on air. "I was only gone for a month!" I yelled watching him gulp and play with his thumb. "Hines, why is the hospital in debt?" I ask staring at this waste. "The money just disappeared, he told us that it was spent on the equipment and medicine," Hines said making me squint my eyes. "Azael!" I yelled making him come in as I went around and grabbed his phone. 

"Find out where the money has actually went to," I said turning my head to my sister. "Symone?" I ask knowing she gets all of the tea. "Five doctors has quit from sexual harassment and unfair work. He had the board to lesson the pay for every worker that the nurses almost went on strike. Many rumors has been spread that he mistreated patients and today almost every doctor almost quit," she said making me squat and hold my head in my hands.

"Ms., there has been millions of dollars transferred into his bank account," Azael said causing me to stand up and pace the floor. "What the hell?" I breathe. "Surely, these accusations are false," Slender Man said making me smile and open the door. "Let's go double o' seven!" I said watching him jump and stand up. I grabbed him by his ear and pulled him out the room. "Come on gentlemen," I said looking in the room. I watch them stand up embarrassingly and come out. 

I let out a loud whistle gathering everyone's attention. "If you are not dealing with a patient, come up here for a minute," I said hearing the waste groan as I hold his ear. "Now, you all now that this young man has been chief of surgeons for a month, correct?" I ask letting him go and pace in front of the board members. "I don't need anyone to say anything, just raise your hands. How many have you filed a bad report on Mr. Double O' Seven here?" I ask seeing few of them raise their hand. "See," Slender Man said making me snap my head up to him and make an aggressive zipping motion over my lips. 

"How many of you has experienced sexual harassment and unfair work from him?" I ask seeing almost all of them raise their hands. "How many doctors quit every since I have left?" I ask hearing them mumbling. "What did I say about the mumbling?" I sigh folding my arms. "Around five Chief," someone reply making me sigh and turn to the replacement. "This is what you want to run a hospital?" I laugh feeling Tati surface. 

"We run our hospitals with the up most-" he began but I quickly interrupted. "You run your hospital with a trifling, harassing, egotistical, stealing, and killer! Over one hundred deaths in just thirty days?" I grit staring all of them down. "I will be seeing all of you in court for new board members and I will be buying this hospital from you," I spat watching Symone come from the room with a proud look. 

I went back to the so called chief and straightened my dress pants. "As soon as I buy this place, you will be the first person I fire," I said gripping his jaw and pulling him to me. "Got it?" I grunt feeling him nod his head in my hand. I pushed him away watching him trip and fall to the ground. "I will be getting top lawyers and attorneys to sort this out. "Hines, get everyone back and tell them that I am back," I said fixing my clothes and turn towards the nurses and doctors that I have worked with. "On it," he said going behind a desk and grab a phone. "Make sure that he does not perform anymore surgeries," I said feeling a presence behind me. 

"Touch me and that's your life son," I said turning around to see Mr. Slender Man behind me. "You can't buy this hospital, it cost millions!" He yelled getting red in the face. "Oh no, Sy how do you think I will buy the hospital now?" I pout watching her laugh and shake her head. "We're a Morningstar sis, we have so much money that it's illegal to say how much we have," she reply making me snicker and tilt my head back up to the pissed off demon. "Don't blow a fuse," I laugh fixing his suit. 

He raised his hand to hit me but Adriana quickly grabbed his hand. "Are you sure you want your life to be taken away from you?" She snarled as I picked up my babies. "I will have my attorney and lawyer next week gentlemen. I would recommend getting someone else to speak for you because this one has a temper," I laugh feeling Titan and Makayla hands lay on cheeks. I turn to everyone else and smile. "I will be glad to work for you all very soon," I winked then turn towards Symone. "Lunch in thirty?" I ask watching her smile and nod her head. "The whole crew?" She asks making me smile and nod my head. "You know it," I smile turning to see Adri's hand still holding Slender Man's wrist. "Let's go babe," I hum watching her drop his wrist and turn to me. "Alright," she grumbles licking her lips and pick up Makayla.


The board meeting?

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