[GN] [Drabble] Saerom (fromis_9) - Of Hangovers, Headaches, and Hard Mornings

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Drabble quote: "How drunk were you last night?" "I still have my pants on, so not that drunk." "Those aren't your pants..."

Warnings: mentions of alcohol and maybe a curse or two I don't remember


Friends are there to help you up when you fall down. Best friends are there to laugh at you when you fall down.

Today was definitely a case of the latter.

"Are you feeling alright?"

You spoke into your phone as you slowly rose out of your bed. It was a rowdy party last night. The pieces of what you remembered didn't fit quite right in your head. A conversation here, a drink there. The timeline didn't really make any sense. At least the usual headache didn't hit you like a train the moment you woke up.

On the other end of the phone, your best friend and girlfriend Saerom let out a mess of sounds, not really making any sense. It was pretty clear she was in a worse state.

Something having to do with "garbage" was the only phrase you could really make out.

"It was your idea to go out to a party so you reap what you sow, I guess." You held back a chuckle, not wanting to anger the woman during your first conversation of the day. While you wanted to make fun of Saerom, you stumbled and stubbed your toe.

The woman let out a little laugh. "It's not like you're any better, (y/n)." Saerom responded bitterly as she listened to you let out your frustrations against the leg of your bed.

"Unlike you, I'm a responsible person that watches the alcohol I consume." You could hear Saerom rolling her eyes on the other end of the phone as you slowly made your way down the stairs to the living room, trying not to hurt your toe anymore than it already did. "I'm headache-free and ready to take on the day. Doesn't exactly sound like you are though. Have fun during practice today, by the way. Don't be late or else I'll be getting a phone call from Gyuri and I don't want her chewing me out for you not being there in time."

Saerom let out a bitter sigh as you listened to her rummage around her blankets. "God, you really should've told me to not go to that party..."

"Who am I to say no to you? If you want to party, I'll let you party."

"I thought you were supposed to be the responsible one between us."

"I thought you were."

"Ugh. Whatever. What time is it anyway?"

Cooking a bit of breakfast while bantering with your girlfriend over the phone, you glanced over to the clock. "Eight."

"Eight?! I'm already late then!" Saerom shouted as she jumped out of her bed, stumbling over her blankets in the process. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier!?"

"Since when was that my responsibility?"

"You're the responsible on- You know what? Nevermind."

Saerom groaned as she rummaged through her clothes for something to wear for practice and while you couldn't see her physically, you knew she wasn't having a good time. Your girlfriend was definitely fighting her desire to just sleep away the headache and skip practice, but you also knew she wasn't going to do so since she knew her responsibilities as a leader.

You quickly packed up your breakfast along with an extra portion for Saerom. "Just get ready for practice. I'll pick you up to drive you there. Don't worry about breakfast either. I'll bring you some."

"This is why I love you, you know that?" Saerom mumbled into the phone. "That and your sweater collection."

"Don't forget my sock collection! I know you love my neon fish socks!"


It was soon after that you hopped into your car and drove over to the fromis_9 dorms. It was a good thing you didn't drink too much last night or Saerom might've had to find her way to the practice buildings while fighting a headache and possibly much more.

As you pulled into the dorm's parking lot, you immediately spotted Saerom, who quickly rushed over to your car. You handed your girlfriend a Tupperware of breakfast and she happily dug in. 

"You look like you just crawled out of a cave, you know that?" You chuckled as you smoothed out Saerom's hair. She looked like an absolute mess, though in your eyes, was still unbelievably beautiful. Still, if there's a chance to make fun of your girlfriend, you'll take it. "You also don't smell too great right now."

Saerom shot you a glare before taking another mouthful of food. "It's not like you're any better. You didn't even get changed since last night." As she looked at your clothes, you looked down to do the same. Sure, your shirt was a little wrinkled and your hair wasn't the neatest, but it wasn't that bad.

"How drunk were you last night anyway?" Saerom prodded.

"I didn't have to put pants on this morning, so not that drunk." You proudly stated. "At least I wasn't as drunk as you."

"Um... Those aren't your pants."

Silence fell over the two of you as you stared at Saerom while she gave you a smug look in return. 

"... What?"

"You weren't wearing those sweatpants last night. You were wearing jeans. I at least remember that vividly." The smug grin on Saerom's face hadn't faded. Instead, it only grew. "I'm also pretty sure you don't own sweatpants like that."

"Huh." You sat there dumbfounded and surprised by the fact that you hadn't even noticed.

Saerom, now satisfied by the fact that you were most likely drunker than her last night, let out an amused hum and happily took another bite out of her breakfast. "Yeah. That's what I thought." You looked away from Saerom, but you could feel her eyes digging into you, just eager to poke fun at you again. 

"Whatever. Just don't throw up your breakfast when I start driving." You feigned annoyance as you waited for Saerom to buckle her seatbelt. "Why do I even put up with you?"

"Because you love me, of course." Saerom teased as she got settled in and gave you a peck on the cheek.

"Yeah, I do, crazily enough."



It's been a while. I can't think of a title.

 I can't think of a title

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Stay safe, everyone <3

(Not Edited)

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