so I'm not dead (surprise)

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I'm not dead, but my brain kinda is at this point.

So school's been kicking my ass lately and after submitting three essays and finishing up a few more projects for class, I sorta have time to write again. The only issue is that I have the motivation to write but no inspiration. 

I've seen the "can you do (insert idol here) x reader?" comments and while I would love to answer your requests with a chapter, I unfortunately don't have the brain capacity to make a scenario up from thin air as of right now. If you asked me sometime during the summer, I probably would have something for you, but not in my current state. I mean, I can probably write something really half-assed but I'd rather not do that.

This chapter is basically going to work as both an update and a requests page. Though with requests, if you have any ideas that I can work with to create a scenario, it would help a lot. The more fleshed out an idea is, the better. You can even just send me scenarios and I can link it with a previously requested idol or just send me songs you like. They'll help too (maybe idk).

I also might just make another prompt list and go from there since I can't really do anything in this state.

(unrelated side note: does someone know how to get rid of a headache that's been basically trying to kill me for like two weeks?)

Edit: may have lied and now suddenly have three more essays and writing might take a while since my brain capacity is basically at 0 right now.

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