[N] [Drabble] Wonyoung (IZ*ONE) - R&R

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Drabble quote: "Mmm, soft." "Is that my sweater?" "I would just like to point out that I did not know you were in the room."
Inspired by some headcanons I read on Tumblr

note: written in second person pov


There are those days your body just feels... ugh. Those days your legs defy you, making even something as simple as walking the biggest struggle in the world. Those days you feel like you'll fall asleep for three years the moment your eyes close.

Today was one of those days for Wonyoung. Even after training within Starship for just over a year and being an active idol for an additional year and a half, practices still took its toll on her body. Hours of dancing and singing drained the girl's energy faster than she could devour her beloved mint chocolate ice cream on a hot summer day. But all this was necessary to succeed in the field she chose to work in, so she happily participated.

Miss little sunshine powered through all of the routines of today's practice with no flaws whatsoever. Every choreography she performed, every line she had to sing, it was all perfect. Even her dance and vocal trainers were surprised by the ability the girl managed to show today in the sessions they worked together in. That was the reaction from one end, but her fellow IZ*ONE members knew otherwise.

For you see, Wonyoung was determined to finish practice as soon as possible, but not because she didn't want to participate in bettering her skills or anything. No no. The "born to be center" was the definition of hard-working. If she wanted to leave practice early (which she wouldn't even consider), she would've just slacked off and asked to have been sent home for the day to rest up after convincing her managers that she just felt sick. That would've gotten her a free pass out of practice, but that would also be a direct trip to her dorms. She didn't want to just be sent back to her dorms after practice. Instead, she wanted some free time to do whatever she wanted to do.

There was this system Off The Record put in place to encourage the girls to work hard. It was a merit system put in place where girls would get extra rest days if their performance during practice was exceeding expectations. Wonyoung was determined to earn those extra rest days for one specific reason, a reason no one but her fellow members and personal manager knew.

She was in a relationship.

Shock! Horror!

As said before though, only those who were really close to her knew about it. The other IZ*ONE members maintained hushed lips around the topic and her personal manager did the same.

Which brings us to the present, where Wonyoung pulled herself out of the practice room with heavy feet. Love makes you do stupid things and, seeing as the giant baby relentlessly practiced for three straight days, was clearly in love.

The girl managed to earn herself a rest period for tomorrow, letting her skip the practice that was scheduled for the next day. Even better was the fact that tomorrow was Friday, meaning she'd also have a rest day on Saturday since that was the group's assigned rest period.

Two days straight of no practice was like heaven in Wonyoung's eyes, not because she could laze around for the next few days, but because she could do it by your side. Remember when I said only her fellow members and personal manager knew about her relationship with you? Well, they took that knowledge and were planning on keeping it safe until they died. Truly some noble friends, huh?

Whenever Wonyoung earned a rest day, she'd slip out of practice and bee-line to your apartment so she could spend time there with you for the night as well as the following day. It was cute and endearing to see your girlfriend push herself just to have the chance to be by your side, but it was also a little worrying. Knowing those who knew your little secret though, at least there was one less thing you had to worry about. They'd often cover for Wonyoung when she was gone for the night, telling the other managers she went to sleep early and to not disturb her, making it seem as though she was still at the dorms.

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