[MR] Sana (TWICE) - Our First Day

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Vaguely inspired by Apink's "Miracle"
Male Reader
Requested by aalejan-dro


Oh, Valentine's Day. The day the sweet scent of chocolate lingers in the school's halls and the displays of love and affection are everywhere. Also, one of the loneliest days of the year for a single guy like me, both chocolate-less and love-less.

On the plus side though, it means I don't have to have anything set up for White Day. Fewer things to worry about, I guess.

This year was going to be no different, or so I thought.

The beginning of the day was the same as any other day. Cute couples walked the grounds of the school, hand in hand. Honestly, I was happy for them. They had found their other half and found joy.

I reached my locker and threw my stuff in before pulling out necessary supplies for the morning classes. A quick walk later, I arrived at the first class of the day, classic literature. Translation, nap time since the moment our teacher arrived at our class, I was out cold. Our teacher's voice was really soothing, to be honest. I'd rather have him read bedtime stories over the importance of mythical figures in old literature.

With my head down on my desk, I slowly drowned out the sounds of the classroom. But before I could drift away to a comfortable sleep, I heard the door to the classroom get slammed open.

My head shot up, started by the loud noise. Then, a girl ran through, panting.

The brunette girl of Sana showed up late to class. Again.

As much as she is an airhead, she sure is cute. I guess the airhead trait has its own charms. With her squirrel-like cheeks and heart-stopping smile, it's not a surprise she's one of the more popular girls in the school.

"Nice of you to show up to class today, Ms. Minatozaki. I'm sure you have a reason for being..." our teacher checked his watch, "twenty minutes late?"

After regaining her breath, Sana fixed her slightly dishevelled hair and straightened her uniform. "I was um... up late last night, Mr. Hiraoka."

"Making chocolates for Valentine's Day, perhaps?" Our teacher raised a brow and chuckled.

Based on Sana's reaction, everyone knew it was true. She flushed a deep pink and averted her eyes down to the ground. "N-No, sir. I was just studying for the biology quiz we're going to have second period."

"I see. Very well, Ms. Minatozaki." Our teacher motioned over to her seat. "Go take your seat and flip to page 44 of 'Confessions of a Mask.'"

Sana gave Mr. Hiraoka a quick bow before rushing over to her seat. 

I gave the girl a "good morning" smile and she returned it. 

It was pretty much our morning routine. We only spoke a few words to each other, but we've greeted each other quite often in the mornings with smiles or waves. She'd also send a few notes my way during class and wakes me up when classes finish. This was mostly because she sat behind me, but I like to think she's just a really nice person.

Today was no different.

Sana poked me in the back a few times to hand me notes that read things like "how are you holding up" and "did you get any chocolates?" and I'd respond and give the paper back to her.

How am I holding up? Well, I'm trying to fall asleep in this class, but I'm really having a hard time, so I'm not really sure if that's considered holding up well or not.

Did I get any chocolates? No.

Around the half-hour mark, I had fallen asleep from Mr. Hiraoka's constant lecturing and got woken up by Sana shaking me awake when class finished. We exchanged friendly smiles and I straightened myself up for the next class to start.

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