[GN] Hyewon (IZ*ONE) - Destiny

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Based on IZ*ONE's "Destiny"

note: written in Hyewon's pov


To say I was exhausted would be an understatement. Today was a full day of travelling. I, together with the rest of IZ*ONE, were in Japan to promote a new upcoming Japanese release. Thankfully, we got a few days of free time before we had to start our tour in the country.

Of course, the J-line was super excited to be back home. Throughout the flight, all they could do was talk about what to do first. Find places to eat? Go to the springs? Visit the cherry blossoms? Suggestions were flying. Even after the plane right, the ideas continued to pour out of the girls as we got in the car on our way to the hotel. The only thing I could like about was getting some rest. Even the thought of food couldn't entice me. That's how tired I was. The other girls knew this as well. The day I choose anything over food is the day the world ends and today seemed like it was that day.

"C'mon Hyewon! There's a good ramen place near our hotel we could visit!" Sakura violently shook me, hoping to get me to join her on her little escapade around the local area.

"What about takoyaki? I know how much you like takoyaki!" Nako shouted from behind me in the car.

Damn it. I really do like my heavenly one-bite balls of dough and octopus. That's a tempting offer. But rest... But takoyaki...

I racked my brain, hoping to find the right answer. Should I go out for takoyaki with the girls or should I get some rest?

It didn't take long to find the answer I was looking for. Sleep can wait. Food can't. "Fine. Takoyaki it is then." I exhaustedly said.

The J-line was elated. Didn't they have anyone else to bother about things like this? I'm sure the others would love to go out and do something.

We were dropped off at the hotel we would be staying for the night, but before I could enter the hotel, my arm was grabbed at inhuman speeds by Hitomi.

"Let's go!" She shouted. 

I was dragged by my arm as Sakura guided us to our first stop: the nearby park.

When we arrived, I was immediately entranced by the beauty of the area. It was cherry blossom season and the pink and white petals bloomed beautifully on the branches. A sea of pink overwhelmed my eyes as I took in their elegance as they drifted in the light wind.

In the corner of my eye, I noticed someone with a camera shooting photos of the petals. They looked like a tourist, coming to Japan for this magnificent sight.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Sakura said beside me.

"Yeah..." A flower petal slowly drifted onto my hair as I absentmindedly stared at the person.

"I meant the flowers, though I wouldn't say they aren't attractive either." Sakura smugly said, nudging my side.

I felt my face flush. I was caught staring at someone I didn't even know. "I-I mean the flowers too!"

Sakura laughed. "I'm sure you did." I watched as Sakura slowly pondered to herself. A creepy smile slowly formed on her face, meaning only one thing. She was about to do something absolutely uncalled for.

She turned to me with that grin and a sinking feeling grew in my stomach. I tried to stop her before she did anything rash, but I was too late.

Sakura dashed towards the person and immediately struck up a conversation with them. I watched from a distance as the person looked at my bandmate slightly confused before they were dragged towards me by Sakura.

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