[MR] Chaeyeon (DIA) - Angles and Angels

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Inspired by a writing prompt from Tumblr
Male Reader
Requested by JichuAegi

Warnings: I think it says "fuck" like three times


Chaeyeon was a diligent student. Straight A's across the board and not a single mark lower. She took her studies very seriously and strove to be the best student she could be. No matter the subject, Chaeyeon paid attention and did all of her work, becoming a true model student in the eyes of her teachers and fellow peers. This was why she was asked by her teachers to become a tutor for students who were struggling in their classes. Chaeyeon had no reason to say no either. Her friends were doing it too and helping with tutoring students would add up to bonus marks in class. Because of this, since the first few weeks of school, she's been signing herself up to help tutor other students in her classes.

As Chaeyeon walked to school that day though, she felt like something was wrong. The sun was shining brightly and the sky was clear, not a single cloud in sight. The weather was fantastic, but something was bothering Chaeyeon and she had no idea what or why. She felt antsy. It felt like something was going to happen.

But she forgot about this odd feeling the moment she took her seat in class.

As classes breezed by and lunchtime came around, the worrying feeling that lingered around her earlier in the day was nonexistent. She sat in the cafeteria with her friends and happily ate her food, unbothered.

"You know, I really don't know how you study this much," Eunjin muttered to herself as she sat at the table, watching Jenny assiduously looked over her notes from her chemistry class. "Isn't it boring to just read over the same notes over and over again?"

Beside her, Yebin chuckled and closed her calculus textbook. "She's just a nerd. Let her be."

"You're the nerd, Yebin." Jenny rolled her eyes. "You're the one who skipped a grade because you're so smart and whatnot."

As Yebin and Jenny started squabbling, Eunjin, annoyed by her friends, just laid her head down on the cafeteria table. "I can't believe my nerdy friends are fighting over who's nerdier. Who cares? You're both the two nerdiest people I know. Anyway, we gotta go back to Ms. Heo's class to check who's tutoring who after school."

"You're a nerd too, you know?" Chaeyeon said to Eunjin, though in low enough of a tone for Eunjin to not notice. "By the way, did anyone sign me up for tutoring this week?"

Yebin stopped bickering with Jenny for a moment. "Yeah, I did it yesterday, why?"


Everything seemed fine until Chaeyeon and her friends arrived at Ms. Heo's class to check the tutoring sheet. The bad feeling nipping at the back of Chaeyeon's mind earlier in the day resurfaced as she looked at who she was paired up with. Her eyes skimmed down the piece of paper stapled onto the corkboard until she reached her name.

"You know..." Chaeyeon started as she turned to her friends. "I'm pretty sure I said 'sign me the fuck up', not 'assign me the fuck up'."

The nickname "fuck up" was brought onto you because of one test where you managed to get everything wrong. It was a simple joke between you and a few friends in that class, but the nickname had reached Chaeyeon's ears and since then, that connection was there. After all, for the first time in Chaeyeon's life, she saw someone get a zero out of forty possible marks. That moment summarized what she knew you for.

It wasn't like she hated you or anything and in fact, she didn't know anyone who hated you. She just knew that you weren't the type of person that didn't put much effort into schoolwork. You were the complete opposite of her in that sense. She saw you as someone who wasn't in school because you wanted to learn, but instead to socialize and make friends. She recalled the time another student tried to tutor you in maths but had given up within a few days because, according to the student, you were "impossible to deal with and can't focus on one thing before losing interest". In fact, she's heard of countless students attempt to tutor you, only for it to be in vain. They didn't last long around you and she knew what she was getting into.

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