[GN] Jinsoul (LOONA) - Number 1

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Based on LOONA's "Number 1"
Fluff and angst

Warning: references to self-harm


After spending nearly three years with (y/n), I've noticed something. Something that's bothered me for a while now. It's been happening quite often for nearly a year or so and I'm not liking it.

(y/n) became more and more stoic. A stone face that showed almost no emotion on a daily basis.

The smile that would appear on their face when I tell them I love them had never returned. I'd get no reaction from kisses. The excitement that used to show whenever we went on dates was gone.

I've been (y/n)'s girlfriend for three years and I've learned a lot about them over that timespan. I know that (y/n) is a soft and warm person. I know they get lonely quickly and need someone next to them. I know depression sets in at a horrifying pace when they become isolated and when depression looms over them, things get... drastic. With neither parent in the picture, the effects only got worse.

That's why when (y/n) started distancing themselves from us, I feared for the worst. I wanted to extend my hands to them, but they couldn't reach.

This isn't something only I have noticed either. Both Kim Lip and Choerry mentioned it to me. The four of us were pretty close entering high school. (y/n) and I were together and I've known both Kim Lip and Choerry since elementary school. I brought (y/n) into the current friend group I was a part of.

When they brought (y/n)'s strange behaviour up, they both looked worried. We planned our ways to bring back (y/n)'s old self, but they never worked. Even the embodiment of positivity Choerry couldn't bring (y/n)'s mood up, and that was a rarity.

It wasn't long after we stopped planning these outlandish strategies that I got a phone call from (y/n) late at night.

It was nearly three in the morning when I picked up the phone. The line was silent from the moment I picked up too. Neither (y/n) or I said anything. I was scared to say anything that would hurt me and our relationship even further.

(y/n) eventually spoke, but I immediately wished they didn't. They spoke the three words that would break my heart into a million pieces and bring my whole world crashing down on me.

"Let's break up."

Tears immediately started forming in my eyes and my hand shook as I pressed my phone to my ear. "Why?"

"I can't be doing this anymore." (y/n)'s words and voice didn't match, though. While the words were cold, I could hear a bit of wavering in their voice. It sounded like they either had been crying or were ready to cry.

"(y/n), what's wrong?"

I then heard the voice on the other side of the call break down in tears. My heart shattered as I heard (y/n)'s weeping through the phone. Hearing them cry caused me to have my own breakdown.

"(y/n) please, just talk to me."

"I-I don't know..." (y/n)'s voice was weak and small.

After that, we talked until the sun came up.

We talked about the fears we held.

We talked about the struggles we endured.

We talked about the strength we wish he had.

We shed tears together.

We worked out our issues.

We once again found ourselves together.

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