[FR] Chaewon (IZ*ONE) - First Steps

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Requested by Yulyen_Is_Life along with the basis of the chapter. It's mainly inspired by Yooa and Seulgi's practice scene in IDOT.
Female Reader
Angst and fluff

note: this would be set pre-p48


Trainee life. 

What can I say? It's the life of a child who just wants to see their dreams become reality. It's the life of shedding blood, sweat, and tears to have a chance at stepping onto the big stage. It's the life of someone who will do anything to attract the lights and cameras with their presence alone.

It's pain.

It's fun.

It's struggle.

It's perseverance.

It's all I wanted.

I was finally one step closer to my dreams of becoming a full-fledged idol in the industry.

Woollim Entertainment. The home of the chaotic group of INFINITE, the "so sweet you'll get a toothache" group of Lovelyz, and the rising boy band in Golden Child. From legendary groups to upcoming talent, Woollim Entertainment was the place to be.

But I knew things were only going to get tougher from here.

After getting my acceptance to train at Woollim, my heart wouldn't stop pounding. Both excitement and nervousness bubbled away in the foreground as I stepped into the building for the first time. With my bag containing my training clothes hanging off of my shoulder, I stepped into my future, both metaphorically and literally.

Metaphorically because I had just stepped into the Woollim Entertainment building. 

Literally because I had accidentally stepped on a girl's foot while doing so.

Hearing a loud yelp, a shock shot through my system as I noticed a girl standing beside me. She was pretty. Like, really pretty. She looked like she had just stepped out of a children's fairy tale and into the real world. Her small face and sharp jawline were eye catching to say the least and the way her teeth were gritted showed a cute ferocity. 

Gritted her teeth?

Confused, I looked down to see, much to my horror, a foot underneath mine.

It took me a solid three seconds before I had realized what was happening. But when I did finally come to my senses, I jumped out of the way and off of her foot. Panic ensued soon after.

"I'm so sorry!" I shouted, not caring whether or not the receptionist a few meters away was on a phone call. 

But the girl, on the other hand, didn't do much other than quickly strut into the elevator. She hadn't said a word, but I knew the silence meant one thing. I hadn't even been in the building for ten seconds and I already made an enemy. She must be a trainee too, making things even more awkward.

I hesitantly walked over to the receptionist's desk and asked for directions to the practice rooms. My first stop was to meet the trainers and the batch of trainees I'd be working with as long as I'm under this establishment.

The receptionist seemed nice, which was a relief.

"Don't worry about Chaewon," he said as he looked over my credentials. "She seems like a cold person but she's just really shy."

I really hoped that was the case and from the moment I stepped into the practice room, I think what the reception had said was true. Sure enough, Chaewon was sitting in the corner of the room minding her own business. Her form was propped up by the wall behind her as her form resembled what could only be described as the epitome of elegance, even if she was slouched a little bit. A cup of coffee sat beside her as she had her phone in her hand. Not once did she raise her head when other trainees filed into the room. Maybe she really was just shy.

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