Chapter 30

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Absolute chaos insued almost a week after Namjoon and Changbin left. The kids, now including Felix, stayed at Seokjungs while Jin prepared for tour.

Felix was having trouble adjusting, Hoseok included him in everything. It wasnt that he didnt like being there, he loved it actually,  but he couldnt help but miss his dad.

At seokjungs, there were two bedrooms, one being Seokjungs, and air mattresses.

The kids didnt mind, they chose the air matress over the actual beds. Mostly to play on, at least they were easily satisfied.

The two oldest, Hoseok and Yoongi, were less content than the others. Hoseok was still a sunshine, but Yoongi felt left out.

"YoonYoon?" Asked Hoseok.

"Yeah?" Answered Yoongi as he mindlessly played a game on his tablet.

"What happened to mommy?"

Never had Hoseok asked anyone about their mother. He only had a faint memory of her since he wasnt even a year old when Namjoon got the divorce.

"She was mean Hobi." Yoongi only had some memories of her as well, but he had witnessed a few of their fights.

Namjoon wasnt aware he had seen them, he figured the boy was asleep when they occurred.

"Why was she mean?" Hoseok, being the curious kid he is, pressed.

"She hit Appa...mean." mumbled Yoongi, he didnt want to think about it. Their uncle Seokjung announced lunch was ready once Yoongi finished his statement.

Hoseok was still curious, but he saw the sadness in Yoongis eyes and decided to leave it.

When they were taking a nap, Hoseok clung to Yoongi as if his life depended on it. Yoongi was his protector in his eyes.

They played games together until bath, and bedtime. Yoongi let the boy cuddle with him.

Jin had taken them to school the next morning. There was still snow on the ground, more snowflakes were coming down harshly.

The boys rushed into their classrooms. The day was going well until they were able to play outside.

The snow had slowed down, so all the classes were taken outside. All was going well. Yoongi played with his friends and had a good time.

He looked over and saw Hoseok fall, he shrugged it off. Maybe he was playing, the snow for sure didnt hurt at all.

He continued running, throwing snowballs until he heard a cry. It for sure sounds like Hoseoks.

Hoseok rarely cried, even as a baby. He had to be sick, or feeling very upset to be crying. So he immediately became alarmed.

Running over he saw a few of the bigger kids laughing at Hoseok while he was covered in snow. Yoongi saw tears rushing down Hoseoks face as he got up shivering.

He ran over, "are you okay Hobi?" He helped Hoseok up as the boy hugged him tightly. The laughing kids watched.

"Wow what a baby." One of the kids commented. Yoongi is a nice kid, always respectful and never violent.

But they made his little brother cry.

"Go away! You're mean!" Yelled Yoongi, catching the attention of the surrounding students.

"What are you gonna do shorty?" Another kid commented. Hoseok helplessly grabbed onto Yoongi. He could tell his brother was mad.

Yoongi knew he should tell a teacher, like his Appa told him the very first day, but something told him he couldnt.

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