Chapter 33

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For the twins, tomorrow's class was show and tell. When they heard the news they got so excited. They couldnt wait to tell all about what they had brought.

That is, if they knew what they wanted to bring. When they came home excited, Jin was thrilled to help them pick something.

He was doing as much as he could with the kids before he leaves in a weeks time.

He finished his long, and exhausting rehearsals and was now getting a few things ready.

"Do you wanna take your favorite toys? Maybe Chimmy and Tata?" Jin held up the two stuffed animals in question.

When they both shook their heads Jin was at a loss of ideas. If toys were out of the question, then what else?

"Can I take Kookie?" Asked Jimin as he pointed to the aforementioned.

"You cant take your brother Minnie."

"B-but I wanna take Kookie!" Whined Jimin, Taehyung joined him in whining.

Jin only shook his head at the two. Then it dawned on Jin what they could take. He walked into his room. The two followed him, along with Jungkook trailing them.

"You cant take Kookie, how about you both take pictures?" Jin asked as he took out a few photos he kept framed.

"You can show your classmates these and tell them about our family, how about that?"

The two looked at the pictures, seeing all of their brothers. Jimin agreed, as well as Taehyung.

"Good, let's put these in your backpacks for tomorrow. " Jin led them to the place where they kept their backpacks.

He put them in the two bags and sent them to play. While walking to the playroom, Jin heard a thud from the kitchen.

He turned to see Jungkook following him again, "hey bun." He picked up the boy and went to the kitchen.

When he walked in he saw Hoseok on the floor with cookies. He was stuffing his mouth when he heard Jin.

"You're gonna make yourself sick Hobi!" Jin quickly got the cookies,  as soon as he did. Hoseok yelled and ran off to his room.

He kept hearing shuffling in their pantry. So he put Jungkook done and made his way over. He figured it was a mouse rummaging through their food.

So when he quickly opened the door he was just as frightened as Yoongi. Yoongi was standing inside with a bag of chips in hand.

"Yoongi?" Jin caught his breath and stood up.  Yoongi only dropped the chips and ran.

"You all ate an hour ago." Jin mumbled,  closing the chip bag and putting it back.

Jungkook stood up and tugged on Jins pant leg, "papa up?"

Jin picked him up, "how are you honey?" He asked.


"That's good, let's go find your silly brothers." Jin laughed and went to the playroom. Jimin, Taehyung were playing with some toys. Felix was laying on his stomach, and coloring.

"Kookie!" Jimin got up and begged for the youngest to play with them.

Jungkook just clung to Jin and buried his face. Jin patted his back as he held him.

"Sorry Minnie, I think Kookie isnt in the mood to play." Jin checked the time and saw it was getting a bit late.

So he announced it was bathtime. All of the kids were still playing while he got them clean. Jungkook was first so he could be put to bed. The boy was already too tired.

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