If I die this country goes down with me

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I walk aimlessly around L'Manburg taking in the early festival decorations, making me cringe a bit at the memories of my surprise execution. Remembering when I slowly fell unconscious I could hear Tommy scream for me, 'Tommy, he was there for me he fought Techno for Me' stopping suddenly in front of Tommy's old house.

Tommy was there for me, Tommy protected me whenever Wilbur blew everything up, Tommy took an arrow for me, it's always me he goes for and what have I done for him I exiled him "I abandoned him....oh god a-am I becoming like Schlatt? Will I push everyone away just like him and be alone?" I shake a bit, remembering his cold eyes. "Surely not.. surely I've been a good friend to Tommy and the others. I've been a good president right? Wilbur would be proud....right?" asking if Wilbur would be proud is just as good as asking Schlatt no offense to the musician.

"Who knew Schlatt better than me....Big Q! I could ask him! I'm sure he won't mind if I drop by" suddenly gaining some pep in my step I booked it to El Rapids. (Mexican Lmanburg for some who don't know)

After some running(dududu)

"Big Q! Hey Big Q! You here man?!" Looking around the open field surprisingly not seeing the president "Big Q?" I suddenly start to feel uneasy as I make my way inside one of the buildings "Hey man if your busy I can come back another time? I don't really have anythin that important to do or say-" noticing someone sitting on the floor, I stop my body shivering harshly.

"Quackity? Is this a bad time?" I take notice of broken bottles with liquid splashed everywhere and his mask thrown across the room shattered in pieces 'I'll have to ask Bad if he could make him another one' I sighed knowing it'll be quite the cost. "Look I'll leave but if your not busy later we can still-" "DO YOU THINK Schlatt would let his citizens die and get tormented by a stupid pig?" I tense at the mention of the ram hybrid, the silence growing thick

"no..the answer is no Tubbo he wouldn't. By now Schlatt would've gotten Techno on his side because he was a smart man like that. He would've possibly cut Philza down by now to gain that giant piece of Bacons trust." He spat out his words with so much venom, slowly standing he makes his way towards me. "B-Big Q Schlatt would've most likely harmed Philza and he's done nothing wrong-" "HE HID TECHNO FROM US! THAT that is unacceptable, that is lying to the president, he would've had his wings snipped for that if the big man himself was still here."

The duck hybrid was much closer now that I can take in his featured his face being scared from being right by Wilburs explosion, the long deep scar that dragged across his mouth from Techno's pickaxe, a tooth missing that didn't appear once he respawned "Quackity I get your upset but we have to think rationally we can't make another mistake again and cause anymore harm to this country" "WHAT COUNTRY TUBBO!? This place is falling apart! Fundy and Nikki are leaving, Philza doesn't consider himself apart of L'Manburg, I don't trust that half enderman guy, and you exiled your only friend! No one wants to be here Tubbo! No one wants this stupid FUCKING country!"

Standing there face to face with Quackity none of us daring to break the tense silence 'he's right you know. Wilbur was right about this place never being the same. Not even GhostBur likes this place' I put my head down in shame silently agreeing with the older man in front of me. Seeming to get the message Quackity makes his way out pausing for a second, he turns to stare at me "Do you know what happens to traitors Tubbo?" eyes widening at his words, remembering very clearly the tone "Nothing Good." Quackity says harshly with a grin, continuing off to who knows where.

I collapse to the ground not realizing how weak my legs felt during that whole interaction "Yes Schlatt. I'm sorry Schlatt." I mumble weakly over and over as the memories flood in and tears drop 'Schlatt Schlatt Schlatt Schlatt Schlatt' then it goes dark.

I wake up abruptly in fear trying to scratch at my throat for air "Hey! Hey! Calm down please! Your fine Tubbo! Just. Relax" a voice says calmly, holding me close as I slow my breathing in the tight embrace. Taking in the room I'm in I realize this is Ranboo's house which means this is probably Ranboo

"I found you on the floor whenever I went to look for Quackity. Your head was bleeding quite a bit but it should be mostly healed. Can you tell me what happened?" The voice ,which I confirmed as Ranboo by the tail flicking anxiously, asked carefully breaking from the hug "Can I have something to drink first my throats quite dry?" The hybrid nods, grabbing both of us a cup of hot coco he had brewing.

"You can take your time Tubbo. I don't have much plan and I'm always here to listen." I nod softly taking small sips from my drink. We sat in a comfortable silence for a bit before I started to explain what had happened between me and Big Q.

(I didn't proof read this one so I apologize if there's any spelling mistakes and if you see any errors please do tell me! Also writing in first person is tricky i kept switching to third on accident😂)

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