Mentally 1 life down

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Watching as the only place who accepted him blow up to pieces Ranboo hears Techno scream for Phil to watch out. Whipping his head towards the winged man he noticed Big Q right behind him, sword raised and ready to strike his prey.

All of a sudden everything went fuzzy as Techno rushed for Phil too far to actually make it to him, Dream continued to place the loud TNT, Tommy and Tubbo shouted for Big Q, Ranboos breath caught seeing the blade rise as the blonde man turned around to protect himself.

Phil fumbled for his weapon, dropping the totem in the process, sword clashing with Big Q causing him to stumble near a ledge "YOU SHOULD'VE JUST STAYED IN HOUSE ARREST OLD MAN" the furious boy shouted, raising his sword once more when suddenly my vision blurred.

Before I knew it I dashed past GhostBur, I ran past Eret, all I could see was 'Phil..Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil! I won't make it in time! I won't I won't I won't! He's too far! I- I can I can! I can at least do this! I can at least do this right!' closing my eyes letting out a sharp distorted yell I suddenly felt liquid drip from my chest.

Looking down I see I'm in front of Phil, purple particles slowly fading around me, and Big Q's sword in my chest "R-Ranboo?" The confused brunette stumbled back as Techno, Tommy and Tubbo had finally made it to the area.

"I meant it when I said I choose people.. Phil is my friend so I won't allow you to take his only life!" The half ender man snarls out trying to keep his eyes in focus. "Phil. You need to get out of here. Take the totem and run I'll keep them off you" Techno shoves the totem in Phil's hand ,trembling slightly, he storms his way over to Big Q and the other two boys.

My health draining lower and lower I slowly fumble backwards landing into warm arms "Don't worry mate I got you." Phil says softly taking the boy onto the top of the obsidian walkway "I really appreciate your help Ranboo.. after this I know you probably won't have anywhere to go" Phil pauses for a second finally finding the regen potion and splashing it on Ranboo

"Would you like to stay with me and Techno? Techno doesn't mind you and it's quite peaceful out in the snow where there's never rain." The winged man offers a friendly smile towards the shaken hybrid "I would- I would like to stay with y'all if y'all don't mind" he says softly, hope rising  wondering if 'maybe this isn't so bad after all'

Ranboos smile falters as Dream walks past with more TNT passing Ranboo an unreadable look but all he knows is the look made him shiver. Noticing the masked man Philza protectively put his wing around the boy, continuing to watch Lmanberg cave in letting out little whoops and words of encouragement to Techno every now and then 'Yeah this was definitely the right decision'.

(When I originally thought of this idea I was gonna have Ranboo lose a life but I ended up letting Phil save him and have a wholesome ending)

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