The fall of TommyInnit

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(Tw: mention of suicide)
(Any art included in the chapters are my own)

"Hey Wilbur?" Tommy said softly, barley catching the ghost attention "Yes Tommy?" Wilbur answer in a scratchy voice, eyes still focused on making a gift for Techno "Do you think you can tell Tubbo to meet me by the hub? I wanna see him before y'all have the Christmas party" the short man fidgets for a bit looking very unsure of himself

"Well of course! Tubbo would be happy to see you since he hasn't visited us!" The ghost exclaims happily not catching the way Tommy's smile falters for a second suddenly appearing like nothing had happened.

"When you go call for Tubbo you stay in L'manburg...I'll be fine on my own I want you to enjoy yourself" Wilbur hesitates for a moment before nodding "I-I'll see you later Tommy! I'll bring a photo of everyone too!" the short boys eyes hold pain, smiling sadly as he salutes to his friend as he runs off in the distance.

In the Nether

"Tommy?" an uncertain voice calls out to the muddy boy sitting at the ledge gazing at the lava like it's an old friend "Hey Tubbo.. been awhile huh?" He laughs sadly taking in the sight of his friends soft bags under his eyes, his nice suit with no wrinkles in sight, and the way his eyes shine a bit brighter now.

"Tommy you.. you look like shit dude" Tubbo says with a pained look as he takes in his friends heavy bags, the bloody ripped clothing, and the way his bright blue eyes no longer hold any meaning in them. "Yeah being kicked out of your country does that to a man" standing up with a quick chuckle "You know Tubbo I was hoping you'd come visit but I understand now that your busy, as the president and all." Tommy pauses taking a breath as he gets closer to his old friend

"I don't have much to give you but I wanted to at least say Merry Christmas in person." Tommy rushes forward giving Tubbo a tight hug, causing the older boy to almost topple over "I really missed you Tubbo. I hope I'll be able to come and see you at the Christmas party." Tommy says the last part in a whisper that wouldn't have been heard if he wasn't next to the others ear. "Tommy you can't come to L'Manburg? Dream will kill you if he finds you there." Tubbo points out stiffly, pulling away with a sad smile on his bruised face Tommy nods slowly deep in thought "I know Tubbo. I know..but Dream can't harm me if I'm already gone."

making his way back to the ledge Tommy turns back around and salutes to his confused friend. "I'm sorry Tubbo..but it was never meant to be....please keep the discs safe" Tubbo lunges forward towards his friend in a panic as he slowly leans back letting himself fall "TOMMY NO! TOMMY!!" time slows as Tubbos cries fall deafen to the boys ears as he descends closer to the warmth of the lava, no longer feeling cold "I'm sorry Wilbur. You would've been disappointed in me" he says sadly with a smile on his face meeting the bright liquid, letting it calmly engulf him in its heat.

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