Till Death Do Us Part

534 19 22

Tw// Character death(not descriptive)

Ranboo woke up abruptly to the sound of a blaring siren making his heart pound and his head swarm wondering what the noise is for since he's never heard it before. Trying to calm his breathing his eyes scan the room he's in catching the blinking red light of his communicator, grabbing it he swiftly he throws on his hoodie and gets up finally realizing he's in Tommy's house 'That's right I crashed here after planting him flowers since it was already so late' he thinks as his eyes finally focus on the message.

"Sam: DREAM HAS ESCAPED THE PRISON I REPEAT DREAM HAS ESCAPED! I NEED ANT AND BAD HERE NOW! EVERYONE ELSE PLEASE STAY INSIDE AND AWAY FROM ANY DOORS AND WINDOWS" Ranboo's blood turns cold as he reads the message his mind screaming, hands shaking, his heart basically jumping out his chest at the thought that Dream had finally escaped and that there's a chance that he will come for him. In the midst of his panic attack Ranboo's thoughts cleared for a moment his mind focusing on a very faded memory making his eyes widen and adrenaline pump "Tubbo-" he whispers out gripping his communicator and bursting out of Tommy's house nearly breaking down the door.

Bare feat trample harshly on the ground as the lanky boy rushes across the uneven terrain dodging mobs left and right trying to get as quickly as he can to his home. Coming up to the prison he sees Ant and Bad trying to distinguish fire from what seems to be a giant explosion 'I can't focus on them I need to get home to my family' Ranboo furrows his brows jumping into the itchy water and lunges himself forward with his trident. With the help of some dolphins Ranboo makes his way up to the water tunnel imminently throwing himself in dashing as fast as he can ,ignoring the redness of his skin from the lack of armor in the water, he quickly skids across the ice trying to gain his balance. "Tubbo?" Ranboo whispers out harshly hoping the boy was nearby and safe "R a n b o o" a voice whispers making the Enderman get chills 'that didn't sound like Tubbo' he whips his head around to where he heard the voice only to notice Tubbo's coat in the snow by Puffys cookie stand.

Not wasting anymore time Ranboo rushes over his head filing with the worst possibility's but nothing could've prepared him for the real deal, laying on the red frigid snow was Tubbo "Tub- Tubbo...TUBBO!" the desperate boy runs over to his husbands body tripping and stumbling on the crunchy flooring trying to reach him as quickly as possible hoping he could somehow save him if he just reached him.

"Tubbo! Tubbo I'm here please! I'm here look it's okay! I- I'm here now..tubbo" the half Enderman rushed his words out messily hoping to comfort the boy or possibly he was trying to convince himself that everything was okay. 'There's no way Dream got to him this quick he has to be alive still. Right? How long was I asleep for? How long has he needed me?? The last we saw each other we fought..' his heart ached at that last thought.

Ranboo slowly cradled Tubbo closer to him trying to warm the cold boys small body hoping it would somehow bring him back or at least let him know that he's sorry. "H-Hey Tubbo..I know you always joked about getting a divorce an I had pissed you off a lot a couple days ago" Ranboo let's out a dry laugh trying to lighten the situation "I remember.. I remember I responded to you with 'till death do us part' but.. I-I didn't actually mean it. So please Tubbo please come back for me! For Micheal...For Tommy." he whispers the last part softly bringing his head to the others.

'Tommy wouldn't want him to die like this. He deserved a hero's death not this!' Ranboo's vision starts to blur, purple particles flashing around him making him panic as he starts to feel a heavy weight in his mind. He sets Tubbo back down gently on the cloud like ground, taking his hoodie off and laying it on top of him to keep the boy warm "I'll be back for you I promise." Then without missing a beat Ranboo books it towards the mansion his mind a hazy mess, memories blurring until he's suddenly in front of Michaels bedroom door. Quietly and quickly he rushes in wasting no time to scoop up his sleeping son and pet chicken, holding them close to himself he then makes his way towards Puffys house that is thankfully nearby in Snowchester.

As he runs to Puffy's house he passes Tubbos body on the ground which now has accumulated little snowflakes making him look soft and quite peaceful. Blinking away the tears he focuses his mind trying to keep himself grounded, the only thing keeping him from losing control was the thought of getting his son into safe arms. After pushing against the painfully cold air Ranboo makes it to Puffys house looking under the trap doors where Blitz the pig was hidden with a key that he takes "If you ever need someone to turn to you can come to me Mr. Boo! My house key is with Blitz so if you ask nicely he might let you in! Hah!~" "Thanks Blitz" Ranboo says nodding at the pig and quickly stumbling inside the house eager to escape the cold.

More particles start to form around the hybrid as he searched for a paper an pen writing as fast as he can to explain the situation to Puffy "I hope you understand Puffy. I'm really putting a lot of trust into you" Ranboo mumbles as he sets Micheal down on the couch with the note and his chicken. His vision finally losing complete focus while he just stands frozen and stares at his son, the wind quietly humming but other than that it's complete silent. The boys tail flicks anxiously as a deep calm hum starts to echo in his mind "⎅⍀⟒⏃⋔" he says in a broken monotone voice as he identifies the hum, taking one last look outside the window towards where Tubbo lays he disappears.

A battered up box plays a simple beautiful melody as two figures stand on a hill staring down on a broken symphony "Let's go to the snow where we should be safe for now" a masked man states softly grabbing onto the hand of the taller figure. Staring ahead blankly with shining purple eyes the other man silently grips the scarred hand, making them both fade away from the land leaving only purple particles to float away like ash.

(What do y'all think about me possibly doing some OriginSmp writing, idk what I'd write about but like if the chance comes would y'all like it? :] )

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