The King and Former Ruler

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The lonesome king makes his rounds around the DreamSmp, taking in the beautiful night scenery, dodging mobs he makes his way closer to the museum confusion rising when he starts to hear a hum "Hello? Is somebody in here?" "Oh! Hello Eret! It's me! GhostBur!" The ghost shouts happily, waving the other over.

He makes his way towards the ghost who stood in the middle of the museum, staring at the camarvan with an unreadable expression. They stood in silence until Eret decided to speak up "Um.. I'm sorry to intrude but didn't you say this place gave you a bad feeling?" GhostBur suddenly shot his head up to stare at the other. After a while the king started to feel uncomfortable until GhostBur finally broke his gaze and went back to the van "I don't know why I'm here." He says frowning a bit "Sometimes people just find comfort in the things they're scared of. However if I don't remember it, it probably wasn't important so I shouldn't be scared of it."

His mood switching suddenly, back to a cheerful puppy, locking eyes with Eret again he hesitates "Eret can I ask you something?" "Of course. What do you need?" fidgeting a bit the ghost nods and ask "Did you like AliveBur? I know we weren't exactly on the best of terms as the song says 'fuck Eret' but..what did you think of me?" the king is slightly surprised by the question not really knowing what to say.

He turns to face the slightly transparent figure, the latter doing the same "You were.. an amazing leader one who I looked up to very much and slightly envied" the king says with a gentle look. "Envy? Why did you envy me?" thinking about his words carefully the ghost turned to stare at a bat flying past in the sky "I envied you because you were strong and many people respected you. I want to be a strong leader for my people, I want to do good but I just wish I could have done things different" the ghost gives a frown at the sadden expression on the others face

"Then why don't you! Just forget about what you did in the past and focus on the future! Make things right and help your people maybe just maybe they'll forgive you!" the ghost states with a giggle focusing back on the king. Eret stands there still with an unreadable expression remembering the way Wilbur had looked at him the pain in his eyes as he betrayed them for a title he doesn't even want 'all I want is for them to look at me how they did before. When times were simpler.'

Noticing the ghost waving his hand in front of him trying to get his attention Eret clears his throat and nods "Thank you GhostBur. That's a wonderful idea" smiling GhostBur starts to wander off "Well this was a nice chat Eret! I'm glad you figured out what to do but I should be going now! I was thinking about taking friend for a little walk." startled by the sudden goodbye Eret whips around and grabs the ghost wrist roughly.

"Ah!- That hurts" GhostBur states with a frown stumbling a bit from the sudden pull "My bad.." letting go of his wrist the king rubs the back of his head feeling bad about being quite brash "It's alright! Now what is it that you need?" the ghost ask with a curious smile his mood shifting quickly.

'Why did I stop him? What do I want? I don't know what to do! oh god he's gonna leave again what do I want to tell him..what do i need to tell him-' finally coming to a conclusion Eret clears his throat  "GhostBur I know you're not AliveBur but I would like to say..I would like to formally apologize to you for everything I've ever done" before the ghost had a chance to question the king, he pulls him into a hug.

GhostBur slowly accepts the gesture putting his arms around the other "I may not be him but I accept your apology Eret. I hope we can be friends now if you'd like!" burying his head in the others shoulder the king smiles unbelievably wide "I would really like that GhostBur" he says in a soft tone neither of them parting from the warm embrace.

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