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College was hard, and it seemed your new clean freak roommate agreed.

You opened a random box in your room, it being filled with random objects like notebooks and tiny shelves. You mentally cursed yourself for the unorganized packing, but yet again you didn't want to be at your parents house any longer.

You pulled out a picture frame, the picture inside of it was you as a kid, hugging your dog. You smile at the picture and set it down on your bedside table.

You take a pile of notebooks out and look through them, sitting down on your bed. The first notebook was high school notes that you no longer need. As you flipped through the pages, your face got droopier and droopier. It was nothing interesting.

After you were finished with that box, you opened the next one and shrieked. Inside of the box was a large spider. You shut it immediately and hopped up, running down the hall.

You reached the kitchen and searched the cabinets quickly. You heard footsteps and you snapped your head around in paranoia.

Oh right... I have a roommate.

"What's with the noise?" He hissed, glaring at you. You mentally groan and look back to the cabinet you were searching in. "Where is the bug spray?" You ask while continuously pushing around objects.

"Why?" He asked, running his finger through his hair slowly. "Why do you think I need BUG spray?" You hiss back, parting yourself from the cabinet's after putting everything back and searching in the kitchen closet. He visibly cringed and glared at you.

"What?" You snare at him, turning to him. "Where is it?" He asks. You raise a brow at him sassily. Today obviously wasn't your day. You had to unpack everything and finish an essay that was due tomorrow. "The bug." He cringed again. "it's in a box in my room. Not sure how it got there." You sigh, mentally apologizing to him for your behavior.

After a couple seconds of silence, staring at him, you scoff. "So are you going to tell me where the spray is or let this spider live here rent-free?" You growl. "Bottom shelf." His hisses back, cautiously walking back to his room. You grab it, running back to your room in a hurry. You open the box, cautiously moving stuff around to find the spider.

You press down on the cap, the spray covering the spider as it scrambled around.

I'll come back to this box later..

You close the box and open another one, getting a notification from your phone. You pick it up, turning your back to your wide open door. It was your friend, Shiroi Sugawara.

| Are you fully moved in yet?

No, but I need help unpacking if you don't mind maybe coming over 👉👈|


You sigh, turning around to see Sakusa staring at you with a frown. "Oh hey I was going to ask if a friend could come over to help." You say, setting your phone down before receiving a call. He cringed but then nodded hesitantly, going back to his room.

You answer it, being greeted by someone yelling your name. "Woah Tsuki chill out." You say. Tsukishima has been a lot more hyper ever since he found out he was gay. You felt great for him. "Okay, now repeat that." You say, opening yet again another box with him on speaker.

"Karasuno is doing a get together." He said. He actually sounded excited to be seeing people. "And?" You said, grabbing out the parts to your cube shelf. "And you were invited." He said with his signature high school 'I could care less' voice. "You know I hate people." You snare, listening to him sigh over the phone.

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