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Before you read this I suggest you reread the most recent chapters cause i re-wrote them. If you dont want to reread them then you are going to be quite confused on whats happening during this chapter.


It was around 1 in the morning when you were woken by multiple aggressive taps on your face. You flicker yours eyes open to see Shoyo and Atsumu with confused expressions. You've never shot up so fast as you cover yourself with the blanket considering you sleep in a small tank-top and large grey sweatpants. 

"Where are we going to sleep?" Shoyo asks in a loud whisper, making you groan quietly and get up, letting the blankets back onto your bed gently.

You walk down the hall with the two boys following close behind, reaching the living room. You stare at Bokuto spread out on the couch and taking up the whole thing. You slowly turn towards them with a tired glare and point to the floor as if it were common sense. 

They pout silently, their posture slouching dramatically. "But the floor is uncomfortable!" They whisper whine. You sigh, a tick mark appearing on your forehead as you smear a hand across your face stressfully.

You stay in that position for a couple seconds before leading them back to your room, yawning silently. 

You open your door and point to your bed hesitantly. "If I come in here tomorrow and its trashed I will hit you so hard that you will experience vision and memory loss." You say regally, shutting the door to your room as you stand in the hall.

You walk over to Sakusa's room and stand there contemplating on waking him up. You finally raise your hand to knock on the door, almost immediately hearing bed sheets shuffling on the other side. 

You watch the door knob twist in slow motion and Sakusa's figure appearing on the other side of the now opened door. He stares at you tiredly, awaiting for an explanation of why you woke him up this early. 

"Do you mind if I sleep in here?" Your question rings in his head, taking awhile to process. He just stares at you for a hot second before he frowns confusingly. "The other two stole my bed." You explain. He notices just how tired you look and his frown disappears.

He nods, letting you into a room with black walls and dimmed LED's lining the ceiling. His bed dominates the middle of the room with a large dresser in front of it that held a equally large TV. His bathroom door had a long body-mirror on it , making you cringe at the fact that he could see himself when he lies down. 

He had dark grey carpets that made sleeping on the floor easier. "There is an extra pillow and blanket in the bathroom closet." He explains, pointing to the bathroom door sheepishly. You nod, walking into it and looking around to see a clean, plain white bathroom.

When you got into the closet, you saw a shelf full of masks and another shelf full of exactly what you were looking for. You grabbed two blankets and a pillow nearly the size of your torso. You walk out to see Sakusa making a floor bed for you, almost making you melt from the kindness. 

"Sakusa, you don't have to," You say, placing a hand on his shoulder gently. You feel his body tense up and you move your hand quickly. He turns to face you with the same startled expression he gave you just a couple hours ago just to see the small smile he rarely sees. 

He snaps out of his daze and nods, getting up and walking to his bed. You situate yourself on his floor and manage to get oddly comfortable. You lay with the blankets at your knees, considering how warm his room was, and on your stomach, hugging the pillow with your face buried into it. 

Sakusa found it oddly satisfying watching your breathing slow and limbs twitch randomly in your sleep. He found comfort in knowing that he wasn't alone in this room, letting him sleep peacefully. 




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Something abt author-chan

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Something abt author-chan

My Hero Academia is my favorite anime

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