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You, Bokuto, Shoyo, and surprisingly Sakusa all sit on Atsumu's couch, you between Shoyo and Sakusa.

Sakusa didn't seem to mind the fact you were basically all up on him, but Shoyo was pushing the two of you together like the bread on a sand which. He was laying his head on your shoulder, his orange hair tickling your cheeks as he lets out a dramatic and bored sigh. 

You get up, Shoyo falling onto Sakusa as the two of them jump dramatically. You hear Sakusa's shriek and Shoyo's fearful yelp as you walk to the kitchen. Atsumu starts to laugh and you lazily grab a cup from of the dish rack. 

You hear the bathroom door open from down the hall and Bokuto's socks dragging against the floor as he walked. He reached the living room, his phone in his hands as he looks at it intently. 

"'Sleepy' sounds so much better than 'tired'. Everyone needs to stop saying 'tired' and start saying 'sleepy'." Bokuto announced proudly, making the three on the couch give him a weird look. 

"I'm sleepy of running laps." Atsumu says, obviously trying not to laugh at his own joke. "I'm sleepy of school work..." Shoyo whined, trying to lean his head back on you shoulder just to realize it wasn't there. 

"I'm sleepy of your bullshit." You shouted from the kitchen, pouring apple juice in the cup after finally finding it shoved to the back of the fridge. 

You herd the hollers of laughs coming from the living room, coming back with a plastic cup in your hand and a blank expression. You sit back down, Shoyo immediately snuggling against your arm and putting his head on your shoulder. 

"You tired, love?" You looked to him from the corner of your eye, his brown eyes tearing up from all the yawning. He nodded into your shoulder, sniffling slightly. You didn't notice all the weird looks avert to you and Shoyo.

"Did you just call him 'love'?" Atsumu asked, breaking the silence. You look up to meet his eyes and nod, as if it wasn't a big deal, which it wasn't.

"I call a lot of people that." You explain with a shrug, accidentally knocking Shoyo off and onto your lap. You gently entangled your hands in his hair and watched as their eyes widened more. "Can you call ME that?" Atsumu asks, giving you the biggest puppy-dog-eyes he could muster. 

"Love..?" You raise a brow. You knew very well what you were doing, but managed not to smile. You watched Atsumu's face twist into a mix of different emotions that mainly resembled happiness. 

Sakusa sits leaning forward to see your face. He wanted you to call him that too, but he will never admit it. 

"Alright, so, are you gonna play the movie or what?" Your voice broke the silence like it always usually did and Atsumu broke out of his trance, nodding vigorously. Bokuto flops onto the couch, bouncing it slightly. 

Atsumu presses 'play' on the remote, the horror movie beginning. 

'The Kuchisake Onna' is the movie you are watching. It's based entirely off of a japanese urban legend and instead of scary, you found it cool. You even saw Sakusa jump a few times out of the corner of your eye and smiled.




'Carved' is the actual movie but 'The Kushisake Onna' is what the legend is called

'Carved' is the actual movie but 'The Kushisake Onna' is what the legend is called

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Something abt author-chan:

i re-wrote this entire chapter

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