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Sakusa almost screamed when he woke up just to see your unconscious body spread out on his floor. 

He glared at you with wide eyes, his lips pressed together harshly. As soon as he identified your figure, he shook his head and turned away, getting up and trying his best to stay clear of you. You suddenly shifted in your sleep, forcing Sakusa to look back down at you with another startled expression.

You looked so.. peaceful. This was one of the first times he hasn't seen your face so tense and stiff. While distracted, his foot brushed against your hand, waking you up almost instantly.

Sakusa added to his list of 'things about [Y/n]' that you were a very light sleeper. You stared up at him with a tired stare that said, 'Why? Why did you wake me up? I was having quite a good dream' and he sighed. 

"Good morning." Sakusa said blandly, watching your eyes become lazy as if they were going to force you to fall asleep even with your eye-lids separated. Your head flops back onto the pillow and you let out a low and deep hum to acknowledge his existence, as if the stare didn't.

He glared at you in silence for a couple seconds before moving to exit his room, sighing internally. Sakusa opened the door to your room to see Hinata and Atstupid spread out amongst your white and grey sheets.

Hinata looked like a straight star-fish, while Atsumu hugged a fluffy white body-sized pillow close to his body. Sakusa couldn't believe how generous you were to even let these particular men into your room. To him it was like spilling a bowl of germs and bacteria onto your bed and sleeping on it without a care.

He cringed, contemplating on waking them up or not. He stared at them before slamming the door shut in hopes that'll wake them up. Surprise, surprise! He herd a collection of yelps and someone falling onto the floor. 

Sakusa herd footsteps coming from all directions. His room, your room, and the living room, practically forcing him to stay put in the middle of the hallway. 

Almost at the same time, you opened the door to his room while Hinata burst out with a startled expression just as Bokuto peaked around the corner of the hallway. Sakusa would be lying if he said he didn't forget about Bokuto.

"Are you alright, Sakusa?" You were the first one to speak. He turns to you to see you looking up and down the hallway, only to spot nothing broken or shattered on the floor. He nods, cracking a smile for a split second 

"Did you slam the door?" Atsumu asks after the short moment of silence. Sakusa just stands there, asking himself if he should lie or not. "No, I just woke up and came from my room." He said innocently, pushing down any expressions of amusement. 

Everyone collectively yelped, even you looked startled. They all watched as you slowly stepped out of the room and looked back down the hall towards the bathroom. The door was wide open but inside was just an eerie darkness.

You were quite literally afraid of the dark, but manage to calm yourself down as you walk towards the bathroom with silent, messy breathing. You slowly opened the door wider and turned on the light to see everything untouched and normal.

You sneaked towards the shower and pushed the curtains open quickly just to see... nothing.

You turn towards Sakusa with a small frown to see him making a weird face. He was pursing his lips with a small frown as if he was concentrated on something. Your frown became deeper as you realized he was trying not to smile.

Sakusa's legs twitched, them trying to move themselves but he held his ground. "SAKUSA!" You shout, making everyone jolt back. "WHY would you SCARE ME like that?!" You ask regally, it not sounding so regal and threatening after your voice cracks tiredly. 

"I dunno." He stated blandly, shrugging. Your frown disappears and you stare at him with empty, hooded eyes. You slowly turn around to turn off the bathroom light and shut the door, keeping your hand on the knob for awhile.

They all stand there and wait for you to lash out, but when you turn around, you looked tired.

"I'm going back to bed." You state, taking a sharp turn into your bedroom only to realize it was being blocked off by a boy-looking-man and a dumb twin. "Move." You order, watching them move into the hallway. Shoyo sweat drops and looks over to Sakusa.

"I'd think you'd know how moody she is when she wakes up considering you live with her." Shoyo points out, shooting a pointed look towards your door.




hiya there

Something abt author-chan:

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Something abt author-chan:

drawing is my favorite hobby besides writing

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