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They got the last point.

Sakusa looks up in the audience with a stunned expression, sweat making his face gleam as it smugly drips from his chin.

He spots you with widened eyes, your hands firmly gripping the railing as your mouth slightly hangs agape. The gym was silent as the volleyball slowly bounces away, rolling to a stop. Hinata turns towards the audience too, a wide smile on his face.

You started to clap slowly, breaking the silence, your smile growing back wider than ever. The gym erupts into loud cheers and claps as Sakusa watches you run down the bleacher steps and wait for Sakusa on the edge of the court.

You wanted to run to him with your arms wide open, he could tell by the way your body was practically vibrating in excitement.

Your arms suddenly spread, Sakusa stumbling towards you with heavy breathes. You met him in the middle, giving him a very firm hug, ignoring the ugly smell radiating off of him.

"You were so good out there, bae!" You shouted into his sweaty chest, letting go of him to cup his face and pepper his face with kisses, everywhere but his lips. You didn't care at this point. You were so excited and Sakusa could tell, said man's face heating up.

He gently wrapped his arms around your waist as your own slid down his jaw and snaked around his neck.

Everyone that came to watch the show-down herd you cheering the most. Some of them remembered you watching from the side-lines, standing next to Kiyoko and Yachi, and the others didn't even know of your existence until today.

"You're amazing." Your voice came out muffled by his shoulder, him resting his chin on your head. Sakusa was still stunned by all the kisses you gave him, the image replaying in his head non-stop.

Behind Sakusa, his team was piled on top of each other, hugging violently. Sakusa needed someone to hug, but it wont be them. Never in a million years. He was glad you were here, he was glad someone else besides Komori was cheering for him for once in his life.

"Kiyoomi, when did you get a girlfriend?" A voice asked from behind, fluffy brows raised. You poked your head from Sakusa's shoulder, analyzing the dark-ginger-haired man before you.

Sakusa let you go and turned around to face his cousin, the red tint still covering his cheeks. "S-she's not my girlfriend." He pointed out, you holding his arm from behind not helping him what-so-ever.

Komori scanned your face and a new, bright smile took over. "Kiyoomi! This is your roomie, right? How come I've never met her?"

Sakusa looked to you to see your friendly, cute smile. The one you always welcomed new people with. "I'm [L/n] [Y/n]." You spoke up, stepping out from behind Sakusa. Komori gave you his hand to shake, you hesitantly taking it and doing so.

Sakusa protectively gripped the sleeve of your jacket to make sure you wont escape his sight. He wanted you close, well, that was until Hinata attacked you with the biggest hug ever.

Even Hinata's little sister, Natsu, was here, piling on top of him playfully. You let out a startled wheeze and attempted to push the both of them off but to no avail. "Shoyo! Get off!" You whined, gripping the mini-man's forearm.

"How come I don't get praised and hugged?" Shoyo complained, lifting his head from your chest to see it red from lack of air. Natsu kicked his thigh after getting up from the pile and frowned. "That is all I've been doing to you! Ungrateful!" Natsu shouted.

Komori chuckled and watched you get up with a small frown. Shoyo looked at you expectantly, a awaiting smile on his face.

You aggressively placed your hands on his shoulders with an annoyed smile, but to the others it looked sweet and adorable. Shoyo could read your smiles like an open book. He shivered, his smile evaporating.

"You did good." You said in a sweet voice. Maybe Shoyo was wrong about your smile. Maybe he read it wrong. He started to think that until you violently karate chopped his head, his body vibrating violently. "You could've asked for a hug instead of hurling me to the floor."

Sakusa snatched you back into his grasp with hooded eyes, like a possessive skunk. He really smelt, like, really bad.

Komori chuckled dryly again.

"Nice to meet you."




updated. not a meme but i love it

something abt author-chan:

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something abt author-chan:

my favorite song is Renai Circulation X Nicki Minaj

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