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You stand in the kitchen, fixing yourself a cup of coffee before receiving a phone call from your mother. You frantically put the mug down and answer the call putting it up to your ear.

The ringtone caught Sakusa's attention, said man eating a bowl of cereal in the living room while watching T.V. 

He watches your eyes widen and the phone slip out of your hands and onto the floor. You stay in that position for awhile before putting your hand down back to your side, making no effort to pick up the phone. 

Sakusa frowns, observing your face to see a single tear run down it. He immediately puts his bowl of cereal down, splashing milk onto the coffee table from the force. He rushes over to you with a startled expression while he hears a panicked voice from the phone at his feet.

"[L/n]? Are you alright?" He asks, thinking about wiping the tears now suddenly pouring from your eyes, your face remaining blank. You don't respond, making him even more worried than he already is. "[Y/N]!" 

His firm voice snatches you out of your daze violently. You flicker your blurred eyes over to him slowly, your mouth slightly hung agape. Your eyelashes were collecting tears, weighing your eye-lids down. 

Sakusa saw many emotions swirling around in your eyes, but mainly sadness. "[Y/n], are you alright? What happened?" He asks, using your first name mainly because you seem to respond to it. You just stare at him blankly, your lips quivering.

He picks the phone up off the floor and puts it to his ear. 

"This is Sakusa Kiyoomi, her roommate. Whatever you told her, she didn't take kindly." He said, his eyes glued to you. A deep and depressing sigh was herd over the phone. "This is her mother, nice to meet you." A ladies voice said almost tiredly and sadly.

"This may be none of your concern, but her father just passed away." The lady explained, making his eyes widen. 

A couple seconds of silence go by before he thinks about saying something. "Take care of her.. please." The lady said, a small sniffle being herd after the sentence. Sakusa still looked startled, he looked back to you to see you in a daze again.

"Of course. I'll make sure she calls you back after she feels better." He said, hanging up. 

Sakusa finally reaches his hands out to cup your face and wipe away your tears, holding back many jolts in the process. You look back over to him, a single sob ringing in his ears. Your knees suddenly buckled from under you, him catching you and holding you firmly.

He lets you hug him hopelessly while he uses your phone to contact a friend. Kei.

He clicks on the contact, almost instantly it being answered as a deep and lazy voice was herd. "Hey, I thought I said I was out spending time with Tadashi." The man said, which Sakusa thought was Kei.

"Um.. this is Sakusa, her roomate. A family member of hers passed and if it's not too much to ask- could you maybe come over when your free?" He asks, sitting in many moments of silence.

"Of course." Kei replies with a slightly worried tone, almost immediately hanging up. Sakusa hurriedly puts your phone down and looks down to you. He hesitantly lifts a hand to stroke your hair, that seeming to calm your sobs more.

By the time your tears start to slow, Sakusa leads you to your bedroom and sets you down gently and sits on the edge of the bed. Your small hands hug his arm, making him wince dramatically. After a couple minutes, the sobs stop and he gently pulls away to meet your eyes.

"Do you need anything?" Sakusa asks, holding in the urge to push a strand of hair behind your ear. You look up to the ceiling as if you were thinking, letting go of his shirt hesitantly. 

"I made a cup of coffee, it should still be on the counter.." You say with a harsh sniffle, wiping your nose with a tissue that came from your bedside table. He nods and slowly leaves you, wanting oh so dearly to stay with you.

As soon as Sakusa hits the kitchen, a frantic knock was herd at the door, making him change his path. He opens the door to see a familiar tall man with blonde hair and a large brown coat standing at the doorway with a shorter green-haired man, both sharing worried expressions. 

"Where is she?!" The tall man asks, shoving past Sakusa frantically and rushing down the hall with the green-haired boy trailing close behind. He gives them both a startled look as they open your bedroom door.

He hurriedly grabs the cup of coffee from the counter after he spots it and runs down the hallway to see the two boys hugging her tightly. He sets the coffee on the bedside table and manages to hold back a frown. 

You were miserably flopping around like a rag-doll, sniffling every now and then. 

Sakusa smiled to himself and silently backed out of the room, closing the door.




sorry for the angst but i promise its worth it. heres a meme to possibly make you feel better

 heres a meme to possibly make you feel better

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Something abt author-chan:

i dont have a favorite genre of music



i listened to 'Another Love' by Tom Odell while writing this chapter

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