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The alarm suddenly blared in your ears, almost making you shit your pants.

You never set your alarm. You never needed to. You turned it off with a groggy and quiet groan, searching your brain for the something you were supposed to wake up early for.

Something shifts around in your bed, ripping you away from your thoughts. You turn around to see Kiyoomi's back facing you, shirtless. You checked to make sure your clothes were still on, and luckily, they were.

It was the black tank-top you usually wore and some shorts. You sit up and grab your phone, noticing a message notification.

|Where are you?
|Are you feeling alright?
|Should I cancel the meet up?
|You're 3 hours late

You slap your hand over your mouth, holding in a scream. You completely forgot about the meet up with Akaashi-San.

He's going to be pretty pissed.

Sorry, I had a long night, Can I schedule the meet up for next week if you're free?|

You put your phone down with a sigh and look over your shoulder to see Kiyoomi's back again.

What did the two of you do last night?

Shouldn't have been nothing bad, right?

You reach a hand out and gently grasp his waist, leaning over to get a good look at his face. You yelped and tumbled off the bed when you saw him staring into your soul, giving you that 'sexy' glare.

"Good morning." He croaked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

You crawled to your feet, wobbling back over to the bed with a startled expression. "Sa- Kiyoomi, you scared me." You said, hesitantly crawling back into bed.

He gripped your wrist and gave it a tug, pulling you closer slightly.

There were many moments of silence of just staring at each other, blinking every now and then. Kiyoomi flinches when you reach a hand up to grab his cheeks and pull his face down towards you.

You place kisses on his forehead and moles, along with the corner of his mouth.

You part from his face and get a good look at it, a small tint of red covering it. "Kiyoomi, you are a very pretty man." You blurted randomly.

The corners of his mouth curled up into a teasing smirk as he grabbed your hands from his face and held them in a firm grip.

"[Y/n]," He said seductively, watching your face slowly turn red as well. You liked the way your given name rolled of his tongue. It sounded so professional for some reason. "You are a very pretty woman."

You giggled softly and leaned into his chest hesitantly. The two of you were mixed up in the thick white covers of your bed, the morning sun shining through your balcony doors.

"So, does that mean what I think it means?" You ask, staring out the glass doors at the ongoing skyscrapers and city.

Kiyoomi looked down at you and dropped your wrists. "Hmm?"

"You like me?" You ask digging your head farther into his chest.

"Love." He corrected, you finally turning your head to meet his dark eyes.

"Be my boyfriend." You demanded, pecking his neck gently. He smiled again and smooched the top of your head.

"That's what I was planning on being."

I hope you enjoyed this book but this is sadly the end. I'm working on some MHA FFs next 😏


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