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Sakusa stood at the front door with his mask already on, waiting for you. 

Suddenly, he herd your door open and shut with an un-necessary amount of  force before hearing a little string of quiet curses from down the hall.

He saw you turn the corner with a small smile on your face, acting as if you didn't just drop a mountain on your door. "Let's go." He says blandly, opening the door for you. Your smile grows wider when you pass him. "Thank you." You exclaim.

The two of you walked down the wide hall, passing many doors on the way outside. You enter the passenger seat and wait for him to start the car, watching as he just sits there and contemplates on taking the mask off or not.

You start to think about how much oxygen he's receiving right now and you reach forward to gently pull his mask down below his nose. His breath hitches and his dark eyes flicker over to you with a slightly startled look. 

You give him another smile as the engine suddenly starts to shake the vehicle.


The two of you make your way through the park, hearing Sakusa's phone ding quietly in his pocket and you watch him pull it out. You always seem to enter a daze watching him move around, making you avert your eyes else where.

Sakusa reads the text message and looks up to see Bokuto's waving arms and Hinata jumping aggressively. Sakusa looks to you to see your eyes glued to a volleyball court across the street. 

"[L/n]." Sakusa calls, being met with your [e/c] eyes yet again. He points to the trio before seeing about two other people talking to Atsumu. Sakusa turns back to you to see your eyes light up slightly, starting to walk faster.

When the two of you got close enough, Sakusa and you spot two boys with brown hair, one with what looked to be a black baseball cap on. The other was holding a skateboard that looked brand-new, but you payed no mind. 

"[Y/n]!" Shoyo shouted loud enough for the entirety of Tokyo to hear. You flinched, watching everyone else turn towards you and Sakusa. You started to walk faster, jogging up to Shoyo with a smile. "Hey, Shoyo."

Shoyo goes in for a hug in which you gratefully dodge, watching him grab onto your arm and hug that instead. "I herd what happened! Are you alright? Do you feel okay?" Shoyo drowned you in questions that you really didn't want to answer, but you only smiled and nodded your head anyway. 

Sakusa soon caught up and stood next to you with a blank look. You finally look over to inspect the new people with your eyes. The one with the baseball cap looked like the exact replica of Atsumu and the other had tired emerald eyes and messy dark brown hair.

Bokuto pouts at Sakusa and Atsumu, them both giving him a mix of weird and smug expressions. "How come you got to bring someone and I didn't? I was just going to bring Keiji!" Bokuto whined loudly.

"Because that would be to many people for Omi-Chan to deal with, and I want him to feel happy for once!" Atsumu declares as everyone looks to Sakusa's expressionless face. 

"Hey, Sakusa." The baseball cap man spoke, giving Sakusa a small, awkward smile while the other one just slouched behind him. "Hello, Osamu-San." Sakusa bowed his head a fraction of an inch, them both meeting eyes.

Your eyes light up again as you look between Osamu and Atsumu, putting the pieces together. "Atsumu, you have a twin?" You ask, eyes glued to Osamu and scanning him harshly with a priceless look on your face.

"Yeah! I'm pretty sure I told you." Atsumu explained, raising a brow as a smug smirk forms on his face. You shook your head. "You probably did but I don't remember." You grumbled, turning to meet his eyes.

Silence washed over the group and the extra guy went unnoticed until Bokuto glanced at him and magically remembered his existence. "Oh, oh, oh! [Y/n]! Meet this guy!" Bokuto said, grabbing your attention and the unknown mans arm, dragging him out from behind Osamu.

"This is Suna! He's pretty cool! You'd get along." Bokuto explains and you give the tired-looking man a small smile that the two new people almost melted to. "How do you guys know each other?" You ask out of pure curiosity looking back over to Osamu.

"High school." Suna's hoarse yet pretty voice blurts out, making you look back over at him. You notice Sakusa standing right behind you like a territorial dog despite being completely silent.

"So, what do you guys want to do?"




timeskip osamu is just *chefs kiss*

timeskip osamu is just *chefs kiss*

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Something abt author-chan:

snakes are my favorite animal/reptile 

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