Chapter 2: The Train Station

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*15 minutes later*

You are walking down the withered road with Kenny; side by side. It has been nothing but silence since you both left camp.

Old memories are all that fill your head. It's hard not to let them take over at moments like this, when you have nothing to distract yourself.

You would have thought that with the amount of death and suffering you have caused, it would eventually just get easier and you would be able to move on; but it never does.

Kenny: Y/N?

You are snapped out of your thoughts by Kenny initiating conversation. You turn to face him.

You: Yeah?

He points ahead at two walkers near a broken down and rusted car as they begin to get up.

You unsheathe your knife and Kenny readies his crowbar.

You: I get left, you get right?

Kenny: gotcha.

You approach the walker with confidence. After all, you knew your kill count was somewhere in the early hundreds.

As you get closer to the stinky, rotten corps; you take notice of its physical appearance. It was one of the worst looking walkers you had ever laid eyes on.

It's chest was caved in; providing a home for dozens of maggots. The skin had peeled away almost everywhere; exposing bone and ligaments and muscle tissue. It's jawbone was hanging by only the one joint, letting it sway with the wonky movement of the creature.

You: Dude you're FUGLY.

You say while cringing.

It just growls at you in response.

You quickly drop to the ground and use one leg to sweep the walker's legs. It falls to the ground on its back.

You spring to your knees and drive your knife through the walkers eye and into it's brain.

You stand upright and turn to see Kenny bringing his crowbar down the walkers head.

Over and over again.

The walker is long gone and it's head is already nothing but a gooey mush; yet he doesn't stop.
He grunts heavily with every swing.

You don't even think about saying anything. You've seen him like this before, and you have learned the hard way to just leave him be at moments like this. He is taking out all of his past guilt and frustration on this corpse. Everyone copes in their own way.

This is his.


You put your knife away and wait for your friend to regain his composure.

He puts his hands on his knees, out of breath.

You: Ken, you okay?

Kenny: ya... ya son, I'm fine.

You: alright then.
You say as you continue walking down the road; towards the train station.

Kenny: This road looks familiar, brings back some memories from the early days of the walkers.

You: Good or bad?

Kenny: Both.

You: What do you mean?

Kenny: This road reminds me of the time at the start when my wife and son died.

Y/N: So then what's the good?"

Kenny: The people I was with at the time. They helped me get through those dark days.

You: You mean Lee and Clementine?

Kenny: Yeah.

Kenny had told you a lot about these people. You knew Lee was his best friend when the walkers first showed up and that they always had each other's backs no matter what. He also told you about how Lee died saving his surrogate daughter, Clementine.

Her, you knew more about, however.

Kenny has told you all about how they got separated just before Lee died, but were later reunited at a ski lodge where they fought their way to the Wellington community where they were separated again from Kenny not being allowed into the community. He wanted nothing more to see her again after hearing that Wellington had fallen.

You: Hey, you said that Clementine girl is still alive; maybe you'll see her again one day.

Kenny: yeah...I doubt it. She might not have even made it out of Wellington.

You: Hey, it wouldn't be the first time you two thought that you would never see each other again.

Kenny: I guess.


Kenny: I think you and her would have gotten along.

You: What makes you say that?

Kenny: Dunno. Just a hunch.


* 5 minutes later*

You: that's it, right?

Kenny: Yeah, it is.

You: okay then let's see what we can find.
You said as you clapped your hands together.

Kenny: You stay out here and keep watch while I search the inside.

You: Be careful, man.

Kenny: If I had a bullet for every time I heard someone say that, the walkers would be extinct.

You: Whatever.

Kenny enters the building as you walk around looking for anything worth taking.

That's when something catches your eye.

You see a dead walker with an arrow in its head.

That's when you see Kenny come back out of the train station.

Kenny: Nothing.

You: Ken, come look at this.

You point to the arrow and look at Kenny.

Kenny: Wow, a corpse! Don't see that every day.He says sarcastically.

You: Look at the arrow, genius.It's dry.

Kenny: So? That thing could be years old.

You: It rained all night long, the night before yesterday.

Kenny: which means its recent, shit.

You: I think we should head back before we run into these people.

Kenny: Yeah, I agree

You: Let's go!

The two of you jog back the way you came, heading back towards your camp.

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