Chapter 3: New Faces

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Kenny and you have not stopped moving since you both left the station. The two of you know that the quicker you get back to camp, the better.

All the possible scenarios start to run rampant through your head. After all, you haven't a clue if these people are dangerous or not. You know that Cody is vulnerable at the moment.

What if they have already gotten to her?

You shake the thoughts aside and begin to pick up the pace; prompting Kenny to do the same.

You: The second we get back...we're packing up...and moving on". You say in between breaths.

Kenny: No arguments here.


*10 minutes later*

You can see your caravan in the distance.

Thank god; You think to yourself.

As you approach the camp you realise there is no sign of Cody.

This is bad.

You: CODY! You yell.

Cody: OVER HERE! She shouts back.

You and Kenny run towards the sound, Finding Cody at the entrance to the woods with her rifle in her hands, pointing it at three strangers.

Kenny: What the fuck is this?

You quickly pull out your pistol from your side and aim it at the guy in the middle. He is a tall guy with a brown trench coat and dreadlocks. On one side of him is a skinny blond girl and on the other is a small kid with an Afro.

You: You move and I'll fukin' kill ya, understand?

He nods his head in response.

You: who are you?

Cody speaks up before he can answer.

Cody: They showed up right before you got back; taking about wanting to trade or some shit.

???: You know what, I think we got off on the wrong foot here; I'm Louis, that's Violet and AJ. We come in peace.

Louis: We are part of a small group that lives nearby; one of our people saw you yesterday while scouting and we thought it would be best if we approached you to see where you people stood on the possibility of a trade.

You: Trade?

Louis: We aren't really overstocked on supplies.

Cody: I don't trust a word you just said, pal.

Violet: Hey, if you guys don't wanna take us up on this over then that's fine, we'll just be going.

You: Ken, what you thinkin'?
You say without talking your eyes off the group of strangers.

You don't hear a response.

You: Kenny? You turn to your right to face him.

His mouth and eyes are both wide open and his face is pale.

You trace his line of sight to the kid of the group.

You: Uhhhh.....dude?

There is an awkward silence for a few seconds before he finally speaks.

Kenny: AJ? He says with a voice crack.

You look back at his face to see him on the verge of tears.

AJ: Yeah? He says uncomfortably.

Kenny: As in Alvin Junior?

AJ: How do you know my name?He says sternly.

Kenny: cause I was by your mama's side when you were born.

Everyone looks at Kenny with a confused expression; Including you, who already knew the story of AJ's birth.

You turn back to look at the kid.

You: So this is the baby you talked about, huh?

AJ: I'm not a baby anymore, I'm grown. He says while giving you a death stare.

You: I can see that buddy.

Kenny: Is Clementine still okay?
He asks AJ.

Before he has a chance to reply, Louis speaks up.

Louis: Okay, can we all just take a few steps back please?

Violet: It's okay Louis, this guy is legit.

He turns to face his friend.

Louis: What?

Violet: Clem told me that she had a friend named Kenny, before.

Kenny: she's part of your group?; will you take us to her?

You: Woah slow down there, moustache-man; we don't know these people!

Kenny: Y/N, do you trust me?

This makes you remember the day you met him; the day he saved you.

You: Yes.

Kenny: Then we're going.

Louis : We'll bring you back to our home under the condition that the three of you surrender all your weapons.

You: How about instead, you bring her out here to meet us so we know this isn't a trap or anything?

Louis: Yeah that might be a bit of a problem.

You: what do you mean?

Louis: She's not exactly in the right condition for a walk like that.

Kenny: Why?

AJ: She lost the bottom part of her leg to a walker bite not to long ago.

Kenny: Ohh...

AJ: She is okay, though but she still needs crutches to walk.

Kenny: So will you take us to her, please.

Louis looks at his two companions and then sighs.

Louis: Fine.

Kenny: Thank you!

You: Give us five minutes to get ready then we will head out.

Louis: cool!

Mark of Cain (Clementine x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now