Chapter 13: Cain

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You and Clem cautiously walk down a road that cuts through the outskirts of the town. Clem holds a map of the area that she got back at the motel.

Clem: If we keep heading in this direction, we'll end up in the centre of the town soon.

You: Hopefully we don't run into any difficulties along the way.

Clem: I wouldn't jinx it.

You: Anything in particular that we're looking for?

Clem: Nope. We're short on everything.

You: Great.

(Time skip)

You and Clem have been searching buildings for a couple of hours. Although the two of you have had very little luck so far; as recourses proved to be scarce.

You are currently searching what appeared to be an old post office building.

Clem: Anything?

You: Just a bunch of papers and shit.

Clem sighs. Not finding anything useful was starting to get frustrating for you both.

Clem: Let's move on to the building next door; see if it has anything.

You: Sure.

As you're about to take a step out the door; a loud bang cracks from outside.

Clem grabs you by the collar and pulls you to cover.

You: Shit! Was that a gunshot?

Clem: Yeah. I saw three guys across the street; over by a pick-up truck.

You: Fuck, I hope they didn't see us.

Clem: I'm pretty sure they didn't.

You: Let's just wait here and hope that they move on.


You feel the cold barrel of a gun pressed against the back of your head. A man then speaks.

???: Yeah....hate to break it to ya, pal; but that ain't happening.

Clem reaches for her knife and the stranger notices.

???: Hey! I wouldn't do that if I were you. Not unless you value both of your lives that is.

You: listen buddy, we don't want trouble. Like you heard us say, we were just gonna wait until you guys left and then be on our way.

???: Yeah...well, you see, I can't let you do that. You got good stuff on you. Stuff worth taking.

You: We can work something out. Things don't have to get messy.

The stranger averts his gaze to Clem. He smirks.

???: You know...I might just keep you. For myself.

Clem: Excuse me?

The man turns his full attention to Clementine; giving you an opportunity to strike.

You Lunge at the man; wrestling him for the gun. A shot goes off on the process, hitting the wooden wall and sending splinters everywhere.

The stranger is about to get the upper hand, until Clem jumps onto his back and stabs him in the neck with her knife. He falls to the ground and she stabs him once again in the forehead; preventing him from reanimating.

You take out your pistol. You look out of the front window to see the people from earlier heading towards you. They must have heard the gunshot.

You: We got his friends on the way.

Mark of Cain (Clementine x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now