Chapter 4: Ericson's Boarding School

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You root around in the caravan looking for your spare pocket knife. After Louis insisted on your group surrendering all weapons before they take you too their home, you knew that you needed an escape card; were things to go south. Even though you trust Kenny's judgement, you can never be too careful in this world when it comes to meeting new people.

You: where the fuck did I leave it?
You say to yourself quietly.

You finally find it underneath your pillow just as you hear someone opening the door.

You quickly hide the knife in your right boot; standing upright beside your ankle.

Kenny: Y/N, you ready pal?

You: Yeah, I'm good to go.

Kenny: Okay then, Let's go!

You: Wait.
You say while signalling him to close the door. He does so.

Kenny: What's wrong?

You: So what's the play, here?

Kenny: The hell you talkin' bout?

You: Look, assuming things don't go south...

Kenny: They won't.

You: But what then? Look if your old friend is really the leader of this place then she is going to be thrilled to see you again; and she's gonna want you to stay.

Kenny: Okay...

You: So, if she does make us that offer; what's the plan?

Kenny: We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, let's just go there and see what happens, Okay?

You sigh

You: Fine. But if we die, I'm gonna kill you.


*40 minutes later*

The six of you are walking through the woods on your way to their camp.

You: So, where do you guys live?
You say to Louis.

Louis: It's called Ericson's boarding school for troubled youth. We've been their since the walkers first showed their ugly faces.

You: And how many people do you have?

Violet interrupts before Louis has a chance to say anything.

Violet: You sure do ask a lot of questions, don't you?

You see her give you an annoyed look. You are about to respond before Louis whispers to you.

Louis: Please excuse my friend here, she has been through a lot of trauma recently.

You nod

You look behind you to see Kenny and AJ at the back of the group, talking.

You turn back to Louis

You: It's weird seeing the kid that Kenny used to talk about all the time.

Louis: I'd bet, but hey; he seems to be happy at the moment.

You look back at him to see him laughing and smiling with AJ.

You: That's a rare sight. The last time I've seen him smile this much was when I found an ink marker while out on a supply run.

Louis: Okay?...So does he just really like stationary or...?

Cody: Y/N, don't...

You cut her off

You: I drew a dick on Cody's face.

Louis begins to laugh hysterically and you see violet chuckle a little.

Cody: That wasn't funny, dude.

You: Oh but like, the hell it wasn't.

Cody: It took four days to rub off.

You: Now that was just the cherry on top.

Louis: You're funny Y/N; I like you.

Violet: Woah Louis, don't scare him off on the first date.

Cody: Ha!

Louis gasps dramatically

Louis: The banter; it's unbearable!

You: Okay...

Violet and Cody step back from the two of you to talk, so you decide to start a new conversation.

You: So, I've heard a lot about this Clementine girl from Kenny.

Louis: Oh yeah?

You: Yeah, she sounds pretty tough.

Louis: You got that right! She's only been a part of our group for
About a month and she is already the leader.

You: How come.

Louis: Well mostly because AJ shot our previous leader in the back of the head.

You: What?!

Louis: Even though he was my best friend, and I hate to admit this but...he deserved it.

You: Damn...


You: Sounds like he was a pretty shady dude.

Louis:He was a good person at first; a good friend, a good leader; but then he made decisions that led to the deaths of three of our friends.

You: What was his name.

Louis: Does it matter?

You: Just curios is all.

He hesitates before responding.


You: Huh?

Louis: His name was Marlon.

You decide to stay silent.

You then look up to see gates in the distance.

Violet: We're almost there.

AJ: Good, I can't wait to see the look on Clem's face when she sees you!

He says gesturing towards Kenny.

Kenny: And I cannot wait to see her again, after all this time!

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