Chapter 8: Dinner

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You step back out into the courtyard. The cool air hits your face instantly; making you recoil slightly.

Scanning the area for something to keep yourself busy, you find the guy from when you first arrived, Aasim, sitting with another dude with an Afro that you've never met before at some picnic tables. You decide to talk to them, walking over and taking a seat across from them both.

You: Hey.

Aasim: Oh, hey! Y/N, right?

You: Yeah. Aasim, right?

Aasim: Yeah, and this is Omar.
He says gesturing to his friend beside him.

You: Hey.

Omar: Hello.

Aasim: So, what's up with you and your people.

You: Clementine invited us to stay here, and we took that offer.

Omar: A bit strange of her to just let you people in like that. I mean, no offence, but we don't know you.

You: Yeah, I get that you're suspicious, but my friend, Kenny, and Clementine go way back. Like, to the beginning of the turn, back.

Omar: Really?

You: Yep. You guys should have seen their faces when they saw each other for the first time again. They were both in shock.

You: I just got done talking with Clementine; she was helping us settle in here.

Aasim: Cool. Where are your friends by the way? He says while looking around.

You: I'm not sure where Cody is, and Kenny has gone with Louis and violet to go get our things and bring them back here.

Aasim: Your caravan?

You: Yeah. We've been living in that thing for a while now. It's nice to finally have somewhere to call home, instead of constantly moving around.

Omar: I'd imagine Clementine gave y'all rooms to stay in.

You: Yep. I'm roommates with Louis.

They both chuckle.

Aasim: You poor soul.

You: What?

Omar: Being roommates with Louis? That's gonna be a pain.

You: Hey, I mean, I know he talks a lot, but still. He seems like a cool guy.

Aasim: Oh just you wait. You'll get tired of his jokes sooner or later; we all did.

You: If you all got tired of his jokes then why does he keep telling them?

Aasim: ..... I don't know.

You: Well, either way; I'll hold off judgement until I've been around him for a while.

Aasim: Oh no. Trust me. Once you're here for a while, you'll wanna cut his tongue out.

You: Okay?


You are sitting alone at the steps to the admin building. Aasim and Omar went off on their own business. Kenny, Louis and Violet step through the front gates; catching your attention.

You wait until they get close, then stand up to greet them.

You: Hey.

Kenny: Hey, pal.
He says while patting you on the shoulder.

You: So, where is the van.

Kenny: right! We're bringing it in now.

You: Cool.

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