Chapter 9: Scars

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Your tormentor stands in front of you; enjoying the piercing sound of your agony filled screams. You can barely see him, regardless of the fact he's right in front of you.

He has been going for hours now... you know today's end is within reach. Just a little stretch left...


You scream while breathing heavily. It's the only sound that fills the room, other than his occasional sigh of ecstasy from making you suffer.

You : really need...a more healthy hobby.

You struggle to get the sentence out, as each breath in puts pressure on the open cuts covering you torso.

Styne: Not really...cause nothing in the world gives me more joy than seeing you in pain.

You: That's kinky.

Your trying to distract yourself from the situation with humour; but he can see that. And doesn't hesitate to call you out on it.

Styne: You can joke around all you want...but it's not gonna get you outta here.

You: Oh'll help take the edge off won't it?

Your taunting him. As much pain as he has inflicted on you, it hasn't been enough to break you.

Styne: You know, I have to admit...I never thought you woulda lasted this long without breaking. You're a tough nut to crack. I respect that.

You don't respond. You stare back at him with just as much hatred for him and his family as they have for you.

Styne: Of can't say that I'm in the wrong here. If you hadn't stuck your nose where it don't belong, you wouldn't be in this situation now, would you?

You: Well, you see asshole...I have some decency...So, when I see a grown ass man...laying his hands on and innocent little girl, I don't just turn a blind eye...I do something...I don't give a shit if his daddy is some big, powerful, mob boss. can go to hell.

He steps away from you, walking over to the small table where he keeps all his.....Instruments.

You prepare your mind for another hour of torture; as Styne looks at all his little toys that lay in front of him. But to your surprise, he doesn't continue.

Instead, he picks up a spray bottle off the table and walk back over to you.

He presses the handle, spraying a mist at your open wounds to disinfect them; before placing it back on the table and walking out towards the door.

He turns back to look at you before leaving.

Styne: Since you wanna run your mouth to me; you best think about what you've done Y/N. Cause tomorrow...the real fun begins...

He opens the door and leaves.

You: ...shit.

(1 hour later)

You can't really tell if you're awake or not. In this dark room, in this much pain, you spend your time fading in and out of consciousness. Reality seems altered.

Suddenly, you can hear voices outside.

It's tomorrow already? Well, guess I just arrived at the gates of Hell then...

You think to yourself.

Then the voices quickly stop. Followed by the heavy doors to your room being opened.

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