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disclaimer: touchy themes, hinting at assault - none is committed, and slightly graphic death

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disclaimer: touchy themes, hinting at assault - none is committed, and slightly graphic death.


Minsu threw you into the small, brightly lit room once again. You wanted to break, and cry, and scream, but you knew you couldn't. That would make Minsu happy, it would inflame his ego. You had to act like nothing was happening at all.

However, you also knew that when the clock struck midnight, someone would die, and you would make sure that it wasn't WayV or Yujin. You were brought from your thoughts as a door opened, but it wasn't the door to your room.

You looked at the tv and saw that WayV was back in their room, but Minsu wasn't leaving. "Shall we put on a show for your girlfriend, Ten?"

Show? You got closer to the television as Minsu looked into the camera, that familiar arrogant smirk on his face. He pulled something out of his pocket and flicked it open, the sound of a blade hitting your ears.


"Minli?" He cut you off, an offended tone in his voice. "Mom taught us not to interrupt, yeah?"

Minsu put the blade against your boyfriends collarbone and slid it across the skin. No blood, not yet at least. Your fists were starting to clench involuntarily.

"At least make it fair." You growled. "Give him a weapon."

Minsu laughed. "Nothing I've done has ever been fair, Minli. Come on now."

Your door opened and two of Minsu's friends came in. They grabbed your arms and pulled you away from the television and put you in front of the camera. They were big guys, and you had a sickening feeling as to what Minsu told them to do. One grabbed your shoulder and held you to the ground, pushing on the fresh wound that still caused you extreme pain.

Smoke Break; TENWhere stories live. Discover now