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disclaimer: blood, gore

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disclaimer: blood, gore.




Yangyang looked tired, but he was holding his stomach like he was in pain. He saw the look on your face and shook his head.

"I'm just really hungry." He said. "Can we go get something?"


You closed your book and grabbed your keys, then the two of you slipped out of the house. You also needed to grab some things from the grocery store, which was fortunately open twenty four hours a day, but decided to eat first. You both pushed your seats back, unbuckled and sat criss cross to face each other as you ate your late night snack. It was almost ten p.m.

"When do you think Xiaojun will stop asking?" You asked Yangyang.

"When you tell us, and that's not me trying to push it, really. That's just how it'll be." He said. "We really didn't mean to make you upset yesterday, we just thought that we could help you. We just didn't do it the right way, and we won't do it again."

You smiled. "Thank you, Yangyang."

He smiled back and continued eating. "Thank you for buying our snack."

"You're welcome." You patted his hair. "I've got to feed our youngest."


You laughed at him, a laugh that made him laugh. He, along with everyone else, loved seeing you happy, or at least laughing. It was one of the best feelings that they got to experience. Since Yangyang thought of you as an older sister, his rock, he wanted to do anything he could to be the same kind of support system.

After you both ate, you went to the grocery store to grab the items that you needed. It was a short list, so it wouldn't take long at all.

And it didn't. You were headed back to your car in less that fifteen minutes. You parked at the back of the store, so that no one would see your Lexus and recognize it for any reason. You and Yangyang finished putting the groceries in the back, and three pair of footsteps caught your attention.

"Running a few errands in the nighttime, are we?"

You recognized all three of them, and knew exactly who sent them. "Is Minsu too lazy to do his own thing, or?"

The second man cracked his neck. "What do you think we're paid for, sweetheart?"

You looked at Yangyang and tilted your head, which told him to just get in the car with you.

Minsu's puppets wouldn't let that happen. One of them grabbed Yangyang's hair, and another grabbed your waist. If there was one thing you really couldn't stand, it was people touching you - strange people touching you. You threw your elbow back as hard as you could and got him right in the nose. He held it, grumbled under his breath, then went for you once more. He got a hold of you and pushed you into your car, temple first.

Yangyang was already fighting the other two men off, and quite well, until he got pinned. As he was getting pinned, he hit the concrete hard and was taking a little bit to recoup his strength. He took too long.

They wasted no time in making sure that he wouldn't be able to get back up.

You were giving the main man a good fight when you caught a glimpse of Yangyang trying to defend himself, and you knew he could, but he didn't have the strength to in that moment.

You stopped using your fists to fight.

You pulled your knife out and flicked it open. Ignoring the man that was previously trying to take you down, you went to the others beating on Yangyang.

You stabbed the second man in the back of the thigh, an eruption of pain leaving his throat. He fell backwards and only pushed it deeper with the help of the concrete, but that was his fault. The third man quit hitting on Yangyang and looked at you. You grabbed the back of his head and brought it down into your knee.

You were tired of Minsu and his minions.

You whirled on the first man, and he kept his distance. "Get your friends, and go somewhere."

You turned around and grabbed the knife sticking out of the man's leg. He begged you not to pull it out, but you did anyways. You couldn't care less if he bled out at this point. The main man gathered his buddies as you went to Yangyang's side. He was trying to prop himself up, but he couldn't. His nose was bleeding, his lip was busted, his right eye already had a forming bruise around it.

"I should've just ran them over with my car." You whispered.

He laughed. He laughed even though he was in pain.

"I wish you would have."

"Come on." You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and slowly helped him off of the ground. "I'll get you cleaned up at home."

After getting him in the seat where he was as comfortable as he could be, you were speeding back home. Yangyang knew you were beyond angry, you were just really good at keeping your composure.

The way you gripped your steering wheel and clenched your jaw was a clear give away to your current emotion.

"Hey, you know I totally could've handled them right?" He broke the silence. "It was two on one and I didn't even give myself a pep talk this morning."

He saw you crack a smile. "I know, Yangyang. Sometimes we just get beat, no matter how good we are."

You were at the house much quicker since you were going ninety on the highway. You helped Yangyang inside, and to your dismay, everyone was in the living room. You thought they were sleeping when you left, but apparently not.

"What in the world." Kun sounded once he caught sight of the mess. "What happened?"

"We're fine, Kun." Yangyang dismissed him. "Just a few bruises."

"Both of you are bleeding and you can barely walk." Winwin stated. "Does not seem very fine to me."

You touched your temple and saw the blood. You completely forgot that you were injured in the first place.

You sighed and pushed your hair back. "Someone clean him up."

You handed him off to Kun and went to the large picture on the wall by the front door. Everyone watched as you grabbed the picture, and it came off of the wall like it was a door being opened. There was a safe inside with a keypad, that you very quickly put a code into, and the safe opened. Inside was different kinds of guns.

You took your pick and loaded the magazine as you said, "Someone stay here with Yangyang. Everyone else grab what you want."


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