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You packed up everything you had in that small apartment along with the guys' clothes, and the hidden blueprints. You couldn't leave behind any traces. You threw the big black duffel bag into the back of your car and gave your keys to Wang Lei.

"Just wait on the outskirts of the road behind that big pile of brush where no one will really be able to see you. Blocks and rooms are locking at seven fifteen and I have thirty minutes to get the guys out. It'll be after eight when we get over there and it'll be dark, so when I get close to that brush pile, I'll flash my lights three times to let you know it's me." You told him. "Make sure you have someone to cover for you so that you don't get caught with the getaway car."

"How are you getting the rental car back to the dealership?" He asked.

You scoffed, grinning. "I'm not. It'll stay there until someone finds it."

He mumbled something and nodded in agreement, that should've been obvious. "Did you put it under your name?"

"No. I found out who that woman that Minsu brought over was. I put it under her name."

"Won't your colleagues know who drove the car to work?"

"They don't know my real name." You replied. "To them, my name is Jiyul. Nobody says my 'name' out loud though, so really nobody knows. I'll also be sure to park away from everyone else so no one sees me get out."

He nodded again. He just wanted to make sure everything was absolutely covered, even though he knew how thorough you were.

"Good luck, Minli."

"Thank you." You unlocked the rental car and opened the door. "And thank you for doing this."

He gave you a sweet smile in response, so you got in the rental car and went to the prison. You noticed how Hana had two other guards with her at all times now, but she didn't fail to shoot you a dirty glare. You grinned to yourself as you walked to D-Block, and you made immediate eye contact with Ten when you walked in, then the others followed suit.

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